Sunday, October 5, 2008

10 burpees
Bottom-to-bottom Tabata

Jax Bch Lifeguard Station to Casa Marina beach run
Walking lunges across parking lot to 1st St.
Run to The Ritz parking lot - 100 push ups (one person at a time)
Run to The Atlantic - 100 jumps (opaat)
Run to Seawalk Park/Campeche Bay - 100 situps (opaat)
Run from park to Casa Marina and back down beach to starting point.

Post team times for score.


  1. jeff/dustin 18:13
    justin/james 19:04
    dr j/liz 22:55
    beegees/blake 24:07
    alex (solo) 24:22
    owedubb/david r 24:28
    guy/kristin (welcome!) 25:37

    beautiful day in jax bch. thanks to guy & kristin who dropped in for a workout. they both are crossfitters form rainier crossfit and recently moved to the area. we hope to see them again soon.

    alex was the odd-man out so he did the workout solo. have a safe 3 month out-to-sea adventure and we'll see you when you get back.

    jeff/dustin came in 1st place and jeff made it sans shoes.

    thanks to everyone who made it out today and prepare for a cfjax beach adventure of the year coming soon!

  2. To the jaxcrossfit furious tribe of warrior men and women alike, its been a painfully humble pleasure to kick it with you guys these last couple of months. I look foward to returning for two weeks in december then off again for an another elusive and mysterious sea adventure for 3 more months. This my email on the ship:

    Hasta La Vista guys,
    Alex M.
