Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Post each mile time & total time for score.


  1. kyle r 7:23/8:05/7:56=23:24
    christian 6:20/6:40/6:55=19:55
    todd g 7:35/7:18/7:27=22:20
    jv 6:27/6:47/6:52=20:06
    brian m 6:35/7:21/7:22=21:18
    matt m 7:31/6:02/5:55=19:28
    meghan 7:58/8:05/9:08=24:16
    skeeter 7:50/8:00/9:00=24:50
    zach 5:59/6:45/7:04=19:48
    jonny 5:55/6:12/6:08=18:15
    bill notime/6:52/7:06
    josh g 6:10/7:06/6:27=19:43
    ben 6:08/6:30/6:26=19:04
    alex 6:55/6:46/6:53=20:32
    kohl 6:10/7:00/8:51=22:01

  2. i wanted to test this work/rest ratio theory on a run with you guys. the ratio set was 1 to 1/2, meaning you rest in half the time it took to do the work i.e. worked 5 minutes, then you would rest 2:30 minutes.

    for this interval workout, you run a mile, rest and repeat that sequence two more times for a total run of 3 miles. since the rest ratio is only half of the workload, its a given that the 2nd mile run will be slower than the 1st and the 3rd slower than the 2nd mile. this is because you aren't recovering enough to rest adequately, not to mention the fact that you're doing it a total of 3 rounds. had the work/rest ratio been 1:1 or 1:2, then you would at best have similar timed 1 mile runs or better.

    if your run times got faster as you progressed into the workout, then this could mean several faults:
    - you ran incorrect distances, or
    - you timed yourself incorrectly, or
    - you did'nt put out (sandbagged) until the last run.

    if it was the latter, then you approached this workout incorrectly. if you approached this workout that way, by holding back and saving your best for last, then its a safe assumption that you do this with other workouts as well. DONT DO THAT. give everything you have each and every time. there is a time and place for pacing yourself and applying strategy; however in this workout the only strategy is go fast and hard each and every time.

    if you did this workout correctly, then you significantly improved your 1 mile run time.

    if you apply this same concept of a work/rest ratio of 1 to 1/2 to any workout, you will greatly increase work capacity...which is what we're all about.

    standby for heavy shi+ tomorrow...
