Saturday, October 11, 2008


6 stations consisting of the following:
1) 'Mini Cindy' - 3 pull ups/6 push ups/9 squats
2) 15 KB swings/15 abmat situps
3) 15 wall ball shots/5 rope climbs
4) 15 box jumps/10 ring dips
5) 15 calories on rower/15 DB thrusters
6) 15 double unders/15 ball slams
Each station is an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for 5 minutes. There is a 1 minute rest/transition period in between stations. Post total number of rounds completed from each team for score.


  1. today was the most people we've had at the gym at one time. we had 30 people perform and complete the workout, to include a visit from 'pukie' thanks to ryan.

    keeping with the saturday tradition of a team concept workout, we really were challenged by our creativity in order to accommodate such a large group.

    we came up with 6 stations with each station consisting of 5 minutes of work and one minute of rest in between transition from station to station.

    there were 6 teams each made up of 6 people (one team only had 5 people). each team was split up into two with one group performing one exercise while the other 3 individuals did the other exercise within the station. after they all reached the prescribed reps for the exercise, they then switched movements to complete on whole round. the team would complete as many rounds as possible at each station and at the end of the workout, they added up their rounds for a total score. each team had a nickname and the following are their scores:

    SINators 20
    ManPile 23
    RamRod 20
    BadFrogs 17
    Jelly 23
    Team One 18

    thanks to roger, father of gordon who is one of our fletcher high school kids, who dug deep down and gave the workout his all. great job roger. thanks to dustin also for bringing out jake, who fit right in with everbody.

    overall, great group of people doing great things and feeling better about themselves when it was all said and done.

  2. The workout on the 13th, is that a workout for members only or is it open to all?

    Nice job on Saturday by the way, everyone, nice job!

  3. the only workout open to the public free of charge is on saturdays. every other day is for members only.
