Friday, October 10, 2008


Friday. You Know The Drill.
Pick Your Path, and Commence.


  1. Name Wght/WOD/Mods/Time

    Kyle 195/Fran/JPUs/15:04
    Whit 205/BD5 for 10Oct08/13/16/8
    Christian 150/Diane/Rxd/7:06
    Cav 163/Prison Burpees 20-1/24:50
    Swaygo 190/100 Tire Flips/8:26
    Kristin ?/Diane/DL@#135/9:38
    Guy ?/Diane/Rxd/16:30
    Jenn 120/Helen/KBS@#20.JPUs/14:54
    Todd 205/CFTotal/385.175.445=1005
    Skeet 207/???Entry was a Cluster
    Kevin 160/Fran/Rxd/10:18 *PR
    Kyle K 185/NS.Com 100 HSC@#95/14:44
    Caleb 165/Erin/Rxd/20:01
    Lorena 128/Kelly/3rnds.WB@#6.20"/29:14

    400m Row
    25 Back Extensions
    25 Ring Pushups

    Russ 22:14
    Meghan 43:44*Pukie 2x
    Lux 17:56
    Jon 23:16
    Jeff 20:41

    JU Special
    1 Muscle Up+10 Ring Dips
    1 Muscle Up+9 Ring Dips
    1 Muscle Up+1 Ring Dip
    10 Ring Pullups
    10 Ring L-Lift
    9 Ring Pullups
    9 Ring L-Lift
    1 Ring Pullup
    1 Ring L-Lift

    Barrett 4:20/5:15
    Tom 5:36/5:46
    Patrick 5:03/7:19
    Beejees 6:30[JMUs]/7:24[JPUs]
    Steve 6:07/6:14

  2. Alright so...yeah. I feel like I just cracked the Da Vinci Code after deciphering the photos from today's whiteboard. I have no idea what some of you did today for a wod, it made no sense and in the end that's our fault, but come on, 400m Jog? We don't jog here or is it yog? A soft J, I hear that yogging is all the rage these days. I know that here, we run like a bat out of hell. If that bat of out hell pace looks to the naked eye like speed walking then it's speed walking but on the inside the throttle is always turned up to 11.
    Great Job to everyone who showed up rain or shine and commenced. Consistency is the path that leads to the golden city of kickin' ass. Some major PR's and some smaller personal ones today. We like how it feels, you like how it feels, so build on it, take the momentum and keep moving forward.
