Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Row 1000m for PR!

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds for time:
-50 GHD back extensions
-50 GHD sit ups
-50 KTE's
Post both times for score.


  1. kyle r 195/6:04/15:45
    cav 163/3:53/27:37
    christian 150/3:37/35:57
    swaygo 190/3:18/34:21
    kyle k 185 3:26/44:16
    andy d 3:50/??
    chris j 155/3:43/45:15
    jeff 160/3:26/25:12
    lux 165/3:43/26:13
    jason 153/3:28/35:30
    zach 189/3:22/pukie!
    dr j 175/3:32/29:35
    sherez 118/4:31/33:37
    mf 210/3:40/39:39sub abmat situps
    jenn 120/5:14/15:58sub 25ballslam 25 abmat situps 25 knee raise
    owedubb 185/3:25/28:05
    josh g 177/3:28/43:48
    kohl 265/3:24/34:50sub knee raise
    guy 175/3:37/41:10

    JU + Bill:

    50 KBS 55#
    50 Ball Slams 20#
    50 KTE's

    bill 200/3:28/28:35
    patrick 190/3:18/26:46
    beegees 215/3:44/32:29
    josh b 145/3:44/28:22


    okay kids, we are going to visit our favorite topic ONE MORE TIME before we pull the plug on time all together. workouts rx'd vs. full ROM vs. fast times. aaaand go...

    if you've got an issue, get a tissue. crossfit jax is an elite training facility for elite individuals who are interested in performing at maximum levels of fitness. max energy, intensity, power output, and commitment are all included here. HOWEVER if you're all of those things listed above, but you aint into playing by the rules then forget it, this isn't the place for you. i walked into the gym today to find 2 fine tuned seriously enrolled athletes doing todays wod: complete with GHD crunches and knees to armpits. im not going dig deep into the details of the embarrassment you two would have felt had i been coach glassman walking in to check out crossfit jax. i am lion, hear me roar: from this moment in time, if you cannot perform every rep at full range of motion, then you do NOT put an rx'd next to your name, and you do not mark your time for score, because technically your clock is still running. now hear this! there is no shame or blame in getting in dirty with your capabilities/deficiencies. dear world, i meghan montaner cannot do muscle ups. i will continue to train and condition my body until i can do so, but until then i will do jumping bar muscle ups. see? how hard is that!? you guys rocking through your knees to armpits should be ashamed of yourselves! yes, you in fact are strong enough to do ONE, and if you can only do ONE at a time, full ROM and gettin your knees to your gosh darn 'bows every time, then THAT IS WHAT YOU DO!

    i will use pull ups as a prime example. you and your buddy are doing fran, balls out set to get sub 3, only your buddys chin only gets over the bar on his first 2 reps of every set. how does that make you feel? he beats your fran time EVERY time and he marks it on the board, but you are the one whos busting your ass to rep out those kipping pull ups until you see red. you need to school your buddy on the art of jumping pull ups (remember no shame or blame) and then maybe after hes built the upper body strength and nailed his kip, then and ONLY then can you truly compare those fran times.

    im not going to beat a dead horse but im also not putting up with it anymore. dont be surprised if you get stopped in the middle of your workout to lower the weight or modifiy movements so you can complete each exercise to its fullest expression and intended ROM. as i said before, we're taking the time now to talk about this before we do away with the time completely.


  3. JU & Bill performed the above in 3 rounds.

  4. Lorena: I am so glad Sarah and I got you to venture into the world of CF !!!! Best of luck with the new diet and come back to PA to visit ! Andrea (CF Greyskull)
