Sunday, June 8, 2008


shoulder press x 5
push press x 5
5 rnds with 3 min rest in between
the following pics are from the crossfit cert. seminar at JSO
15 ball cleans
15 push ups
5 rnds for time

12 burpees
12 pull ups
10 rnds for time


  1. tough wod...great to workout with the traveling hq cert trainer staff...thanks to tommy, adrian, dan for an awesome wod!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS to meghan and jon for attaining their crossfit level 1 trainer certification this weekend! well deserved and well earned...welcome to the trainer family...not alot of people can say they earned their title but you guys can...

  3. cfjax sunday am crew,

    just dropping by to say hi and thank you to zach and the rest of the crossfit jax peeps we met this morning. raquel and myself had a great workout and were very grateful for yalls hospitality. everyone was very nice and helpful. i couldnt have expected more from fellow crossfitters. if you guys are ever down in south florida just give us a shout at hardcore and come on in for a workout. ill be back up there soon. thanks again!

    -jason & raquel
    crossfit hardcore

  4. Mike, Chris, Tommy, and Adrian -

    It was great working out with you guys. Tough WOD in some intense heat. 9 rounds, 10 rounds, what's the difference? Just kidding. We'll see what the video shows!

    Keep in touch guys. Send me some pics/video when you get some more.

  5. Vid is done. Sending it to HQ today. Hopefully it will be up soon. You're right Dan, after a certain point it doesn't matter. Looking forward to the next one.

  6. Mike, can you email it to me or is it too big?


    Dan D.

  7. It is too big but I could always mail you a disc copy, along with the raw footage. Let me know.
