Saturday, June 7, 2008


50 20# ball squats, 25 pushups, 25 pull ups
40 ball squats, 20 pushups, 20 pull ups
30 ball squats, 15 push ups, 15 pull ups
20 ball squats, 10 push ups, 10 pull ups
10 ball squats, 5 push ups, 5 pull ups
Chris Rx'd 10:14
Mike A. Rx'd 9:35
Alex Rx'd 10:35
Coll 12#ball 10:18
Sherez 12#ball 10:34
Paul Rx'd 11:15
Greta 12#ball 10:54
Christina 12#ball 14:02
Swago Rx'd 6:42
Nikki 8:55
D-Rock 8:05
Sam 12#ball 11:39
Laura D. 10#ball 11:40
David R Rx'd 11:40
Owedubb 30#ball 12:20
Neil 15#ball 9:05
The following pics were taken at the certification seminar at the JSO police academy.

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