40 ball squats, 20 pushups, 20 pull ups
30 ball squats, 15 push ups, 15 pull ups
20 ball squats, 10 push ups, 10 pull ups
10 ball squats, 5 push ups, 5 pull ups
Chris Rx'd 10:14
Mike A. Rx'd 9:35
Alex Rx'd 10:35
Coll 12#ball 10:18
Sherez 12#ball 10:34
Paul Rx'd 11:15
Greta 12#ball 10:54
Christina 12#ball 14:02
Swago Rx'd 6:42
Nikki 8:55
D-Rock 8:05
Sam 12#ball 11:39
Laura D. 10#ball 11:40
David R Rx'd 11:40
Owedubb 30#ball 12:20
Neil 15#ball 9:05
The following pics were taken at the certification seminar at the JSO police academy.
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