Wednesday, June 18, 2008


every 2 minutes perform the following for 9 rounds (18 minutes total):
100# barbell thrusters x 9
pull ups x 9


  1. Great job to all who suffered through this insidious workout. Why 100#? Because 95 is the rx'd weight and we should always train at a disadvantage.
    For some it was easy and for others it was the most difficult wod to date. Every metabolic variation hits everyone differently. For those who need to work on thrusters this was no fun. You know who you are.
    Tomorrow will bring yet more pain. It seems as though the most frequent lamentations refer to what a tough week it's been. Newsflash: It is only going to get tougher. Every week will be more difficult than the previous. On a separate note, the more fit you become the faster your times or more weight you can lift. So I guess it could get easier if you suspend any progress that your fitness should inspire. As for programming, the wods are going to get harder but they can always be scaled down and as a person with a brain and not an ego you should know when to scale down and when to bit off more than you can chew. Form is more important than time. As they say the magic is in the movements, not the weight. For those of you who haven't figured it out it is my job to give you your money's worth; hence, the insanity. There is, however, a method to the madness and as long as everyone continues to grow stronger, faster, and fitter we will continue. If you don't understand why we are doing something then you should ask. We will gladly explain. There are going to be days when we go balls to the wall and other days when we produce no lactic acid whatsoever. Either way, you should become proficient at shifting gears and moving your body accordingly. That is all for tonight.

  2. Great post truthsmith! I looked over both my shoulders when you wrote, "You know who you are" and immediately thought... "yep... I'm one of those thruster people".

    Definitely words of wisdom in that post. As always, you've stretched my brain a little more and have continued my never ending quest to find myself... Actually, I think that statement would apply to some of the blogs you've written. I just don't feel like going back and writing what I just said in a different location.

    Yeah, it's getting late. See you tomorrow or whenever :)

  3. Those that lament about how tough of a week it has been should remember.

    It has never been so bad, that it couldn't be worse.

    Take a moment and be stoked that you even have the physical capacity to engage in such activities. Try a week on chemotherapy treatments or a week with any number of life threatening ailments, I bet it's a helluva lot tougher than any week we'll see in the box.
    Just my two cents.

  4. Amen Whit!

    I totally agree...our live could always be worse and we are blessed to have a body that is functional, that is generally healthy, and have the opportunity to strengthen it not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

    Rock on...for stretching into the perceived impossible.
