Tuesday, May 6, 2008


20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
8 rnds per exercise
3 min rest between exercises
score is lowest number of reps

Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Rope Snake
solista 8-15-16-17
Brad 4-10-13-8
Zach 10-15-15-15
Steph 4-6-12-20
Bill 4-6-10-10
Ryan 10-15-16-20
Jon 8-13-12-14
Lesko 6-5-11-18
Meg 3-7-13-15
Karla (jmping pu) 8-4-9-8
Dr. J 8-11-11-18
Alex 5-7-12-17
Andrew 8-8-10-15
Russ 10-15-15-12
Eric 3-12-14-10


  1. Awesome workout!

    Never judge a book by its cover... That old guy with the beard can come up with some pretty crazy/sadistic stuff! What was going through that guys head the day he came across a 50ft. rope... Yee-haw???

    Looking forward to shaking the long noodle again ;) hahaha

  2. P.S.- I'm an idiot... that last comment sounded pretty gay :(

  3. Mike , was this the standard tabata line up of pullups, pushups, situps and squats? Ed V

  4. I guess the comment I posted didn't upload. No this is not the standard Tabata workout. I replaced squats with the ropes. It was less acute and more taxing overall.
