Tuesday, May 20, 2008


For time:
- 75 push ups
- 95# Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 50 reps
- 50 ring dips
- 45# weighted pull ups, 30 reps
- 25 handstand push ups

Scale as needed. Post times for score.

Jon, rx - 19:09
Swaygo, rx - 21:33
Cav, 20# pull ups - 24:06
Lesko, HSPU modified - 26:39
Bill, HSPU modified - 27:14
Tom, rx - 16:06
Neo, rx - 22:00
Sam, 30# SDLHP/bar dips/jumping pull ups - 15:31
David R, rx - 18:00
Owedubb, rx - 24:39
Mike L, rx - 21:02
Meghan, 65# SDLHP/Assisted Dips/5# pull ups - 29:17
Dr J, rx - 15:23
Josh, 35# pull ups - 29:24
Alex, 65# SDLHP - 30:04
Andy, HSPU modified - 31:00
Karla, assisted push ups/45# SDLHP/jumping dips/5# jumping pull ups/HSPU modified - 26:30
Whit, HSPU modified - 15:07

CFJ welcomes Ron to the mix. It was Ron's first ever CF WOD and he gave it his all. We hope to see you soon! Great output today on the following:
- 30 push ups
- 65# SDLHP, 30 reps
- 30 ring dips
- 30 box step ups
Time 22:22

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