Saturday, May 17, 2008


Choose a 'Girl WOD' or 'Hero WOD'

Cav - "P2" 2x 50# DB, 14:40

JV - "Fran" 80# thrusters, 6:46

Chris J - "Lynne" 155#: R1)13/14, R2)10/9, R3)18/9, R4)16/8, R5)16/9

Andy - "Fran" rx, 6:34

Eric - "Lynne" 185#: R1)12/15, R2)10/15, R3)8:15, R4)7/12, R5)6/8

Bill - "P2" 135#, 19:20

Christian - "Diane" 155#, 4:15

David R - "JT" rx, 15:14

Alex - "Chelsea" rx, 5 rounds max

CFJ welcomes Christian to the mix! Great work output on 'Diane'!


  1. Fran as Rx'ed: 6:09 (PR)

    Did it at the Cert in Jupiter, and knocked a ton of time off my last PR. Had to wait on pullup space, so Im looking forward to getting sub 6:00 next time.

    ...Wait, did I just say I am looking forward to Fran? I think Im drunk.

    I wonder how Trevor went...

  2. JB,
    Just doing Fran in our gym will get you sub six. Come next Friday and do it.

  3. Dr. J: Grace 3:35

  4. Mike...Im done with Fran for a little bit, but I'll meet her at your box soon.

    By the way...when we rowin' again?

  5. The goal for this month is sub 3:00 1000m!!!! Can you do it?

  6. I'll give it a shot. You got that in the bag or what?
