Thursday, April 24, 2008


5 rounds of the following:

135# Deadlift, 15 reps
135# Power Clean, 10 reps
135# Squat Clean, 5 reps

Scale as needed. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Complete round w/ minimum breaks. Not letting go of bar is ideal.

Sherez - 65#
Meghan - 75#
Whit - rx
Zach - rx
Brad - rx
Dr J - rx
Owedubb - 95#
AJ - 115#
Josh - 115#
Polk - 95#
Bill - 95#
Steph - 65#

Welcome to Lisa & Amy from lululemon athletica. They both attempted 'Cindy' w/ jumping pull-ups and impressed everyone with their performance by finishing 16 rounds in 20 minutes!

CFJ also welcomes Rachael to the mix! She did 16 rounds of the following in 20 minutes:
5 box jumps
10 kettlebell swings
15 tire hammers


  1. The Vid got big time props over here at GSX in Dallas.

    "Thats just evil looking..."

    lol...again, awesome!

    I also pulled a Linda and totally gave back any respect that Jacksonville had in the gym today. My bad...

  2. Thanx for the comments. You missed a good FGB (made easy) today. More suffering to come tomorrow at the beach. Everyone is beat down this week. Relax and celebrate Saturday night.

  3. I think the entire CrossFit world is beat up this week. I've seen more brutalized hands this week than I ever care to.

    Repped Jax a little better today in VB.
    5 Rds:
    30 Double Unders
    30 Wall Ball Shots
    3 Rope Climbs (15')

    21:07 (had to sub 9 rope get ups for the climbs in the 3rd round, massive rope burn).

    Get some tomorrow!

  4. Thanks for letting me drop in and workout guys. I told some of the fire/rescue boys about your facility. Hopefully I can get some of them to stop in. You guys have one sweet set-up over there. Nice work!

    -Steven A.
