Friday, April 25, 2008


1 round & 3 minutes each of the following:

- Wall Balls (20# men/10# women)
- SDLHP (75# men/45# women)
- Box Jumps
- Push Press (75# men/45# women)
- Row (for calories)

1 minute rest in between exercises. Thanks to Steven A. for stopping by and squeezing in a WOD. Hope to see you again soon!

Lesko, rx men - 231
Sherez, rx women - 254
Rachel, rx women - 246
Cav, rx men - 266
Zach, rx men - 402
Whit, rx men - 310
Solista, rx men - 365
Tom, rx men - 379
Chris, rx men - 345
Cory, rx women - 319
Brad, rx men - 310
Steven, rx men - 301
Steph, 55# SDLHP - 226
Dacar, rx men - 285
Nick, rx men - 194
Josh, rx men - 279
Pat, rx men - 368
Polk, rx men - 209
Dr J, rx men - 337

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

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