Friday, August 12, 2011


ring punch out
-elevate feet or lower rings so that toes are even with TOP of rings
-from top of extended ring push up, lower yourself down to bottom position.  punch straight out with left hand to full elbow extension then return (arm will be in line with body; think superman).  do the same with right arm and return.  push back up to full extension/top of push up.  CONCENTRATE ON TIGHT PLANK AND TIGHT CORE.  do not let hips sag or raise up in air.


amrap in 12:
ring punch out x 6
-one rep equals lowering yourself down, punching out with left then right arm and then pushing back up.
275/185 deadlift x 8

extra credit
amrap in 5:
50' butcher sprints

1 comment:

  1. rob. 8 rounds rx.
    bou. almost 8 rounds rx.

    last 2 day were fun. these wods are really kick ass!
