Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 rounds:
400m run
-these are max effort runs i.e. SPRINTS
-slowest round is score

partner assisted handstand walks
-goal is one end of driveway to the other.
-if you drop and fall, pick up where you left off


  1. yesterday. OHS went up to 90kg. I know that 110 is in there though. Was still sore from last week.
    We did brob's challenge today.
    2 rounds with 10kg vest of:
    400m run
    7x mu
    9x dls with 135kg
    2 rounds of:
    30 squats
    20 c2b pull ups
    10 hspu
    2 rounds of:
    30m bear crawl
    10m handstand walk.
    30m bear crawl.
    it ends up being 60m after the first hs walk. But thats just how it was.
    reid rx.
    rob mod. Couldn't get the mu with a vest on. did 21 and 21 dips. hs walk reid helped me out by holding on to one foot for guidance.

  2. That pic is epic. It is Edgar Street. It will be missed.
