Saturday, December 4, 2010


warm up
250m row for time
then in the same amount of time: row for calories

tabata mash up
-sitting 'sit n reach' stretch hold
-squat sits (aka third world squat)


find heaviest deadlift in 10mins
max abmat sit ups in 5mins
2min rest
75% of heaviest deadlift load for max reps in 2mins
5min rest
re-attempt heaviest deadlift load: limit 3 attempts within 5mins
max abmat sit ups in 10mins

post heaviest load, total sit ups and either success/fail on re-attempt


  1. Todays wod looks very tough. I am giving my back a break with dls today.

    Did Brob's Challenge #10
    "Mad Cindy" - (our version)
    15min amrap of
    5 ring pull ups w/24kg
    10 wallball situps (sit up and then throw the ball up against the wall.)
    15 back squats w/BW.

    bou 6 rds + 3 pu's
    flo 5 rds w/50kg
    uli. 4rds with 60kg
    reid. 5 + 3 pu's
    butcher. 4rds
    rob. 5 rds + pull ups and wallball sit ups

    Would love to use a cfjax wod in 2 weeks for the challenge! any ideas?
    vid to be posted shortly

  2. Rapids Crew ~

    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~
    96reps in 5min
    18reps @ 220#
    1st try = Sccess...300#(PR) 2nd attempt
    197 reps in 10min
    ABmat Total = 293

    tb (5-10/188bwt) ~
    106reps in 5min
    10reps @ 285#
    3rd attempt with 10sec left = Success
    199reps in 10min
    ABmat Total = 305

    Syd (5-8/185) ~
    93reps in 5min
    16reps @ 310#
    1st attempt = Success
    152reps in 10min
    ABmat Total = 245

    Interesting... Raw spot on all participants from abmat sit ups...Showering will be great!
