Wednesday, December 29, 2010


burgener warm up

warm up
2 rounds:
21 double unders
15 knee to elbows
9 box jumps

amrap in 6mins:
185/115 squat cleans x 3
hspu x 6
-post total reps for score

4min rest

amrap in 6mins:
205/135 ground to overhead x 3
strict pull ups x 6
-post time for score

4min rest

amrap in 6mins:
275/145 deadlift x 3
cfjax burpees x 6
-post total reps for score

"As the community grows, there are more and more pretenders. While I have respect for everyone, I would caution any of you interested in learning the CrossFit method to verify if they are legit. If they claim they are CrossFit, then check their credentials. They can't be something they are not. Again, it's difficult to respect even a skilled person pretending to be something they are not. Stand on your own merits, no matter what they are. Be proud of what you do whether you CrossFit via the posted WODs, subscribe to the Journal or are an OG CrossFitter, you owe it to yourself and your community to get in a box now and again, hit a seminar or cert and help what we do by giving back by keeping bridges available to cross. Keep your science based in your skill. If you know me this is not a call out - not a rant. Just facts. Come get some, and then some." 
- TJ Cooper (OG CrossFitter and owner of CrossFit East, the third CrossFit affiliate EVER, and one of only a handful of people ever to be given the rank of 'Coach' by Greg Glassman)


  1. bryan 13 rnds (5-2-6), mods: 155#squat cleans & gtoh, bands on hspu

  2. decided to go rx in favor of a heavy day knowing my score would suffer.

    3 rounds + 1 squat clean
    2 ground to overhead (and 5 failed)
    5 rounds + 1 deadlift

    gained some confidence on the 205lb power clean and gto but the split jerk needs some serious work. it's the only way i'm goint to get more overhead.
