Monday, November 22, 2010


warm up
tabata mash up
-jumping air squats
-1 pvc shoulder press, 1 pvc push press, 1 pvc push jerk

overhead squat

overhead squat
1x5 @ 75%
3x3 @ 85%
5x1 for load

3 rounds of:
95#/75# overhead squat for max reps in one attempt
double unders x 30

post heaviest OHS load & total OHS reps from metcon


  1. Rapids Crew ~

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~ 235# / 65 Reps (95#)
    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~ 190# / 31 Reps (95#)
    Feidt (6-0/210bwt) ~ 180# / 37 Reps (95#)
    tb (5-10/185bwt) ~ 225# / 93 Reps (95#)
    Hansen* (5-11/170bwt) ~ 185# / 44 Reps (95#)
    Fiegl* (6-2/220bwt) ~ 235# / 80 Reps (95#)

    Not sure of the standard used...We used partners assistance to get bar into Overhead Position...Not sure if that counts (otherwise we would be limited by press movement ~ which wouldn't be all bad)

  2. Chris H..bw175 200pr/40

  3. rob in ger :

    reid.190# pr. 32 reps with 95#
    christian (butcher).200#pr. reps?
    rob.210#/30 reps.

    For all the overhead squat work we push pressed or jerked it up.
    For the cookie we snatched the bar up.

    Still feel brob's challenge from saturday. But it's all good. Working on my main weaknesses!

    Good work Rapids crew!!!

  4. Russell Bw 165
    my nemesis overhead squats lol...
    175#lbs 12 reps... shoulders were failing.. from previous injuries...

  5. our standard every time we do heavy OHS is to use a rack. unrack the bar using a back squat position then adjust your grip to the overhead/snatch position. set feet then either push press/jerk the bar to lockout overhead.

    my opinion is that there is no right or wrong answer, however, shouldering the load, literally, gives you the awareness/confidence to support the load prior to attempting to lock it out overhead. this alone allows it to be functional outside the confines of the gym and transferrable for everyday use.

    having partners assist you in getting it overhead is not a bad thing, but understand that it can give you a false sense of confidence not to mention the opportunity for injury.

    the overhead squat in and of itself is a multi-joint, compound yet irreducible functional movement. this is why we take this movement and go heavy with it. contrary to the belief of inexperienced trainers and athletes, there is a myriad and plethora of benefits to doing so. some 'camps' believe that to work and go heavy on an OHS, one must actual snatch the load to get it overhead. while i don't disagree with this logic, one would be ignorant to believe that there is no benefit in 'isolating' the OHS movement of the snatch and improving our capacity with it. remember, the OHS in and of itself is a functional movement that fits our criteria of improving and increasing our overall general ability to enhance our fitness. we are not trying to specialize in olympic weightlifting, rather, we are capturing the essence of the respective lifts to benefit from them.

  6. 205bw, 165pr ohs, 57 reps @ 95#, mod du w/ 100 singles

  7. 165 bw, 155 ohs, 24 reps @ 75#
