Tuesday, November 23, 2010


warm up
"Bro, your Internal Rotation is lacking"

deadlift & handstand push up

handstand push ups x 5
185#/135# deadlift x 10
chest 2 bar pull ups x 10
double unders x 20

compare to 20NOV10

footage of the squat clean-to-overhead & deadlift competition from the 2010 Iron Curtain Challenge


  1. Rapids Crew ~
    Mod Pull Ups were chin above bar
    Mod HSPU were feet on a bar instead of wall
    Mod DL was 155#

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~
    Mod Pull Ups & HSPU ~ 26:10
    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~ Rx ~ 20:57
    Feidt (6-0/210bwt) ~
    Mod Pull Ups, HSPU, DL ~ 26:55
    tb (5-10/185bwt) ~ Rx ~ 24:15
    Hansen* (5-11/170bwt) ~ Mod HSPU ~ 23:46
    Fiegl* (6-2/220bwt) ~ Mod Pull Ups ~ 21:17

    Rob I like the idea of the Brob challenge... We are looking for tree different WOD's for Death in December for our group, and anyone else that wants to go (challenge) that day...Your suggestions are welcome!

    All I have to say about the Iron Curtain...Awsome effort...& OUCH... I would not be walking after those deadlifts!

  2. reid. spanked us on this one. rx. 15:15
    david. rx.21:50
    jean. rx. 27:00
    hector. rx. 26:45
    rob.rx. 18:50 c2b pull ups were the hardest part. I was just thinking last night about how long it's been since we did c2b!

    rapid's crew good work! I am sure we can come up with some ideas. I am sure chris would love to help ya'll out!

  3. Russell Bw 165
    rx 13:06
    those times on the main site are sub 8min crazy!

  4. rx 14:22

    Nice job Russell, solid performance with good ROM on every movement. Like I have been saying, it is possible to have fast times while performing movements properly. This will pay dividends in the future.
