Friday, November 26, 2010


warm up
2 rounds of
-ghd sit up x 10
-ghd hip & back extension x 10
-knees to elbows x 10
-pvc pass thrus x 10
-jumping pull up x 10
-jumping air squats x 10

pvc burgener warm up w/ clean grip
-down up
-muscle clean
-front squat
-hang squat clean
perform with 45#/30# bar for 3 sets

within 15mins, find your heaviest clean load

for time:
1 mile run
max reps in 3mins of 60% heaviest clean load
2min rest
800m run
max reps in 2mins of 70% heaviest clean load
4min rest
400m run
max reps in 1min of 80% heaviest clean load

post heaviest clean load & total reps from each percentage lift to comments


1 comment:

  1. bou. did 10min of our the new age cindy:
    5 ring pull ups, 10 ghd sit ups, 15 bw back squats.
    Didn't tell me his rounds.

    jean mod ver. of oxy clean:
    28reps@55kg+40 du/ 11 reps@65kg+20 du/ 8reps@75kg + 10du

    reid.did du's during the time it took me to run.
    31 reps@57kg, 18 reps@67kg,11 reps@77kg. work time 24:30 runs were fun with some snow and ice. woke me up fast.
    33 reps@55.5kg, 20 reps@65kg 11reps@75kg.

    I think I am going to have to warm up a little longer, I find that a lot of times I am not really "warmed up" till I am in the middle of a wod.

    Hope you all had a happy thanksgiving!
