Saturday, November 20, 2010


warm up
10min self warm up / stretch

med ball focus
-forming a big circle, toss Dynamax balls of various sizes to one another simultaneously
-if less than 5 people, use 3 balls; 6-8 people, use 4 balls; 9 or more use 5 balls
-toss the balls to person next to, across from or diagonally from you (no-look passes count too)
-use overhand, underhand or granny toss
-everytime a ball hits the ground, the group performs 5 burpees
-game ends when a total of 30 burpees have been performed

two person team
-while teammate A works, teammate B runs a 400m run
-they switch when B returns from run. repeat until reps are completed for that movement
-if reps are completed while partner is running, teammate continues on to next movement

rope climbs x 25
burpees x 50
20#/14# wall balls shots x 75
abmat sit ups x 100
double unders x 200
24kg/16kg kettlebell swings x 100
pull ups x 75
calories on rower x 50
handstand push ups x 25

score is total time & number of 400m runs as a team

inspired by CrossFit TakeOver

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