Wednesday, November 3, 2010

BE BETTER THAN YESTERDAY...but at what cost?

jump rope:  land quietly on balls of feet = efficiency
-without rope:  work coordination with feet = quiet soft hopping on ball of foot
-singles: one leg/alternating leg/run in place/both legs
-doubles: every other single/consecutive
-triples:  every 2-3 single

warm up
1min at each exercise:
-box jumps
-pvc push press
-push up
-pvc sumo deadlift high pull
FGB style; no rest between movements

push press
7x1 for 1RM
-no 'redip'
-dip, drive & press to lockout (knees, hips & elbows)

burpees x 10
knees to elbows x 20
double unders x 30
air squats x 40

Chrissy Wallis gets exposed!

a great journal video was posted on the mainsite yesterday of Rich Froning Jr.  i met Rich at a recent Level 1 Certification Seminar where he was interning.  i was also fortunate enough to workout with him during FGB that same weekend.  his athleticism, level of fitness and performance are at an elite level which no one will dispute.  the video displays Rich during a Coaches Prep Course and PR'ing 5 times in one day, which is AMAZING.  we all know that achieving a PR (personal record) on a lift or WOD can only mean one thing:  intensity. whether it was a heavy lift 1RM or a metcon-WOD, we all know that a PR is only accompanied by pain & misery due to what it takes to achieve one.  so to do 5 in one day is one hell of a feat, not only physically, but metabolically as well.  usually the average person is taxed after performing one workout at max effort.  therefore to even attempt to PR on another exercise in the same day might be wishful thinking at best.  apparently, not for Rich.

on that note, since the majority of us aren't Rich, we have to take what we can get on any given day.  if we do set a PR, chalk it up ( pun intended) and call it a day.  unless you are a CF Games level athlete, you need to pay attention to your body and listen to it carefully by not over-doing it.  it is very easy for the average CrossFitter to over do it and over-train.  it is very easy to not recover enough.  i once heard the saying "there is no such thing as over-training...only under recovery" and there is so much truth to that statement.  if you feel that your training has hit a roadblock, or if you constantly feel sore and your body aches every time you go in for a workout, then its probably best to just rest that day.  as a matter of fact, it would probably do you more good to rest until you feel 100% percent.  regardless if today is supposed to be a work day and not a rest day, take it easy and just relax.  this could mean two days, it could mean a 4 day rest period, or in some cases - a whole week.  we can stress ourselves not only physically, but emotionally as well.  working out at a high level of intensity for a long duration of time can actually lead to negative attributes and benefits.  however long it takes for you to recover, you still have to eat properly. just because we're resting our bodies physically doesn't mean we rest on our nutrition.  proper nutrition = faster recovery.  think of it as hitting the reset button within your mind, body & spirit.

having said all that, i want everyone to remember that you're not always going to hit a PR on every workout.  we want you to do everything in your power to move safely, effectively & efficiently and to do so with everything you got, but everything you got means 100%...not 100% of 75% because you're sore as hell from the day prior.  when we say that we want you to be better today than you did yesterday, that doesn't mean we have to PR.  all this means is that we want to improve SOMETHING in our training.  and yes - this also means recovery.


  1. ryan w.196bw.rx

    P to the R......170lbs..really stoked about this one...last time i pr'd on push press was 07/14/09 @ 165lbs..then on 08/10/09 i went down to 155lbs......good stuff

    3:53 on dessert!.....

  2. Rapids Crew ~

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~ 215# / 2:02
    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~ 165# / 2:20
    Feidt (6-0/210bwt) ~ 185# / 4:01
    tb (5-10/185bwt) ~ 200# / 2:04
    Hanson* (5-11/170bwt) ~ 185# / 2:45
    Fiegl* (6-2/220bwt) ~ 215# / 2:25
    Biba* (6-0/175) ~ 145# / 4:44

    D/U are challenging for our younger athletes (*) it is amazing to watch them learn, grow & improve...

    Great story on Chrissy...

    Crossfit = Life
    Intense, Constant Variety, Functional
    We are all lucky to have CFJAX!!!

  3. Some very good scores posted so far!

    reid.82.5kg = 182#/ 1:48
    butcher. 100kg=220#/ 3:25
    bou.92.5kg=204#/ 1:46!97.5kg= 204#/1:56 sore from yesterday!

    Constant form before sh!tty form and fast time!

  4. 202 bw, 185# pr, 4:25 rx

  5. 178bw. 195. 2:48. rx.

    believe it or not this was my first time testing 1rm on push press. never tried it before. funny, this is working already.

  6. RSP, then dessert:

    Rx. 1:59

  7. Chrissy 142bw
    105# push press.. DAMN YOU RIDIP!! skipped 110# & went for 115#.. clearly my body knows if you're not cheating, you're not trying!

    Metcon, modified squats for pushups, time 4:45
