Monday, October 25, 2010


in 5mins, find 1RM deadlift
then the following for time:
deadlifts x 10
5 rounds of Cindy
deadlifts x 8
5 rounds of Cindy
deadlifts x 6
5 rounds of Cindy
deadlifts x 4
5 rounds of Cindy
deadlifts x 2
use 70% of deadlift 1RM


  1. Julianne - All I have to say is WOW! Great workout this morning!

  2. 39:50 rx 385 on dl

  3. The inevitable return to a training regimen went down today. After more than a three week layoff due to medical issues I threw my hat in the ring once again. Probably not the best wod to ease my way back in but you gotta start somewhere. A significant decrease in cardio/ respiratory endurance was noticed almost immediately and the lactic acid buildup seemed as if it started before I did. A mediocre performance at best but there's always tomorrow.

    rx. 21:56...70% d/l weight 295#

  4. ryan w.198.4bw.rx.32:05

    335 1rm
    235 for dl/cindy

  5. Chrissy 140bw
    couldn't get it together today.. babying my hip since I tried to break it on Friday..

    200#, which is under PR, used 140# for wod, 34:20, felt like 1:34.20
    rx on pullups & pushups, but mod situps for squats so my hip doesn't rip in half again & I cry in a corner. Again.

  6. reid. 235# for dl/cindy 13:05rx
    rob.375# for 1rm/ 265# for dl/cindy rx= 20:53

  7. 49:22 @ 335, those D/L's sucked so bad....

  8. damien- did you play that basketball game afterwards lol?

  9. Actually, I did, I'm a beast, remember :)

  10. well that can only mean one thing must not have gone hard enough on the workout!

  11. Nah, I had a good hour after I got done before I went to the gym. Besides, I messed up. For some reason in my head 340# was 70% of 400#, so the workout was tougher than it needed to be, I would've went faster at 280#, my true 70%. My max D/L was only 400# this morning, down about 15# from deployment.

  12. Russell bw165
    deadlift pr 435#... steve if you only couldve held on that 10# wieght lol.. it wouldve been 445
    workout rx 315# at 22:34
