Wednesday, October 27, 2010


snatch balance 7x1

adequate rest then-

115#/75# power snatch
(looks like 5 snatches then 1 hspu, 4 snatches then 2 hspu and so on)

more of the same on tap for today:  constantly varied, functional movement executed at high intensity.  we do this so that we may increase our work capacity across broad time and modal domains in order for us to move large loads, long distances quickly.  we scale load and intensity; we don't change programs - everyone does the same workout and movements.

whether you do a 'version' of CrossFit or a heavier/creative/hybrid of the program is irrelevant.  the name isn't important.  what is important is that you understand what the goal is; what the journey is.  we are broad, general and inclusive.  the moment you specialize in a certain aspect of fitness and exclude certain groups of people/society/fitness levels in your program, then you cease to pursue our definition of fitness.

now all of that being said, it is all relative to each individual.  keep this in mind.  the majority of the critics out there usually don't have an iota/clue as to what we do and what we're about.  all they hear and see is high intensity, skilled movements that have a huge risk factor i.e. safety.  on this part, i agree with them.  however, there is a system in place in order for newbies & beginners to start this program.  copied and pasted directly from the mainsite:

we offer two paths for someone new to the CrossFit methods:
  1. Work out on your own or
  2. go to one of our growing number of licensed CrossFit affiliates worldwide.
For the person who endeavors to take on CrossFit without the guidance of a certified CrossFit trainer, we recommend three distinct approaches, depending on your fitness experience and available facilities:

1) If you are largely familiar with the stable of CrossFit exercises then start with the WOD (Workout of the Day). If you've had exposure to Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and gymnastics, jump right in. If an exercise is unfamiliar, acquaint yourself with the movement through the video clip for the movement on the exercises section of the site. This option is for those athletes with an extensive experience in athletic strength and conditioning - jump right in. 

2) If some or many of the exercises are unfamiliar to you and you are only modestly acquainted with elite athletic training, we recommend that you follow the WOD and substitute other exercises for those where you don't have either the equipment or skill and then devise a plan for acquisition of the necessary skills or equipment needed to participate completely. We are developing a Substitution Chart in the FAQ for replacing exercises for which you've not developed the skills or don't have the equipment.

3) If many or most of the exercises are relatively or completely unknown to you, then we recommend that you begin learning the movements for a month or two until you can either perform our common exercises or have substitutions worked out for those movements under development. This is a great place to begin for anyone with little or no experience with serious weightlifting or gymnastics. 

In any case it must be understood that the CrossFit workouts are extremely demanding and will tax the capacities of even the world's best athletes. You would be well advised to take on the WOD carefully, cautiously, and work first towards completing the workouts comfortably and consistently before "throwing" yourself at them 100%. The best results have come for those who've "gone through the motions" of the WOD by reducing recommended loads, reps, and sets while not endeavoring towards impressive times for a month before turning up the heat. We counsel you to establish consistencywith the WOD before maximizing intensity.

we would be asking for trouble if we pushed intensity onto anyone who doesn't have the strength and/or technique down pat.  for the person doing CrossFit on their own, they need to ensure that their form & technique is dialed in, and that they know their limitations and know 'when to say when'.


  1. you guys are really doing great work!

  2. The smarter person scales when needed.
    The guy who gets all caught up in the faster, faster mode misses the point. Save yourself some time and listen to your coach. Some folks are naturals, for those of us that are not. Try and enjoy the process. Rome was not built in a day.
    I have over 4 years into this and it is just starting to all come together.
    Its a lifestyle, enjoy the ride.
    Eat right, train hard and rest.

  3. Russell Bw 165
    played around with diff weights about 100lbs, my shoulder is very sensitive
    workout rx 1:53

  4. snatch balance 135#, 3:03 mod hspu w/ tall box
