Friday, October 29, 2010


back squat 5x5
with a weighted vest (20#/15#):
air squats
30"/24" box jumps


what is your opinion of our country regarding our society?  what do we cherish & prize and hold dear to our hearts?  we all know what these answers should be...but what are the answers really?  what is the reality of this country?  how do other nations view us?

for some, these questions probably don't even pose a second look or just doesn't seem to bother them on any level.  but for a select few of you, you will pause and think about the answers to these questions.  you will ask yourself what is important to you...what is in your daily life that you can not live without?  that you can not live without doing?  that you must see, watch, listen to, or out of habit, you must conduct or else your 'day' isn't complete?

do we have our priorities out of order?  do we, as a country, rely too much on things that we really could live without?  have we taken for granted what we have fought and died for - FREEDOM?

i know, i're reading this and thinking, "what the f@!? does this have to do with CrossFit?"

well, if you have Robb Wolf's book, 'The Paleo Solution' and gotten past Chapter 8, specifically pages 140-143, you will come to realize that the more freedoms, technological gadgetry, cool stuff, must-have items, big house, expensive car etc etc etc we own, you will soon realize that it MIGHT be causing us more harm than good.  how does all this pertain to health, nutrition and fitness?  you figure that part out, grasshopper.

if this caused you to stop, think, assess/re-assess your life and lifestyle...mission accomplished.  if & when you realize that there is more to life than primetime HDTV, the 'big game', People magazine and for the love of mankind - Jersey Shore, then you will be more aware of life and its surroundings.  if you didn't get past reading the first paragraph of this post and thought that it might not pertain to you...well then this post was probably directed at you, specifically...jus' sayin.

on that note, read this article:  America: A Big, Fat, Stupid Nation


  1. The same people who complain about how "expensive" CrossFit gyms are spend beaucoup money on unnecessary luxuries and gadgets to make their lives easier. My contention is that the value of CrossFit lies in it's ability to make your life BETTER not easier.


  2. Rapids ~
    Great message...Something we all need to reflect on and consider on a daily basis. Many of us in Rapids are teachers and we see this on a daily basis ~ things everyone thinks they have a "right" to...but in reality they are creature comforts...One thing I cannot live without is the WOD!!! Life goes better after a great workout!

    L-Pull Up Work,
    Squat for Form,

    Saturday will be Rest Day and Round #2 of the Playoffs for our FB TEAM...
    Madison Mud Run on Sunday...

  3. Bou from ger.cfansbach
    Squat: 150kg pr.
    Cash-Out 2:26 rx

  4. Russell bw 165
    squat 315# 4th set,
    325# 5th set got 4x failed on 5th rep
    cash out 2:36rx

    Hats off to Tom who crushed both shins and continued on, def a trooper!

  5. Ft. squat work then cash out, rx. 2:50...coming back one day at a time.

  6. Travis G Squat 255lbs failed on 5th rep at 265
    rode the short box for "cash out" 3:58 ( I think)

  7. up in copenhagen, denmark and still trying to follow the blog!

    Being out and about has made me realize what true freedom means.

    Being able to get around and about without being dependent upon someone else is what I consider to be freedom. Be that economically, physically or emotionally.

    Family is important though!
