Tuesday, September 21, 2010


3-position clean: TECHNIQUE
-high hang power clean (power position)
-mid hang power clean (top of knee)
-power clean (ground)
use an empty bar, not pvc. above performed consecutively w/ no re-grip. achieve power position prior to jump. keep weight in heels until lift-off. work timing of landing & rack position (simultaneous).

utilizing 3-position clean movements above:
1x5 @ 45#
1x3 @ 95#
(45#: cycle thru 3-position cleans 5 times for 15 total cleans; 95#: cycle 3 times)

135#/85# clean & jerk x 30
standard: strict clean & jerk i.e. stand to full extension from the clean then jerk to lockout - no pressing. use of split jerk is optional.

*there are several standards that this WOD can be performed in. variations are: strict clean & jerk, clean & press, clean & push press and/or ground to overhead anyhow with the exception of the snatch. some wonder why not have just one standard for this WOD to make it universal across the board. one answer, two words: constantly varied. should one perform a workout the exact same way, every single time? the answer is no. but the standard should be defined prior to every WOD so that the athletes performing them can compare results using the same standard.

post time to comments


  1. something fast and mean. we allowed landing in the power position if the athlete was fast enough to pull him/herself under the bar and get his elbows up properly. My thoughts were kind of on Burgener's explanation of the Clean in olympic lifting. That being how deep the athlete needs to go depends upon his or her capabilities of getting under the bar fast.


    our times:
    melli. 4:33 rx'd going to the fit as fu*k challenge (Denmark)
    lisa 11:37rx'd
    jean 5:33rx'd
    rob. - did grace 3 times. 1st round with 65#, 2nd round with 90# to make sure I was really warm and after 5 min pause 3rd as rx'd-3:20

  2. where one receives, or catches, the bar on the clean (or snatch for that matter) is predicated on the load. having said that, depending on what you are working on within the movement, you can obviously receive the bar anywhere you want.

    landing in the power position, if you imply you are receiving it in a quarter squat position i.e. power clean, is absolutely fine. for our standard today however, we are requiring the athlete to come to a complete stand @ full extension upon receiving/catching the bar, pause, and then dip into his/her jerk to lockout, hence 'strict clean & jerk' as opposed to receiving/catching the bar in a quarter squat and then going overhead without coming to full extension prior to i.e. ground to overhead.

    in keeping w/ the CF theme though, the standard should ALWAYS change regardless of the movement. range of motion, however, should never change. taking a load from the ground to standing with it overhead is the range of motion in today's workout. doing so with a strict clean & jerk is today's standard. who knows what the standard will be the next time we take 135# from the ground to overhead for 30 reps?

    this week is obviously heavily influenced by this past saturday's oly-lift clinic. this doesn't mean we are doing away with how we c&j/snatched in the past, rather, it provides us with more options to incorporate into our training.

  3. harry 115# 6:33 should have done this w/ 135, and may do so later this week. hell, after reading Robs post i am tempted to do it again in about 15 minutes. maybe not.

  4. After receiving the bar, we wanted the clean to be finished by coming to a complete stand with the full extension before doing the jerk.

    Thanks for the reply!

  5. rx. 2:57

    Almost a 1/2 minute slower from my previous attempt but I will admit this new spin on Grace made it almost a completely different workout. Gone was the grip it and rip it technique that a G2O format elicits. I struggled to find a rhythm in my descent technique and coupled with swirling thoughts from the Camargo seminar I found my favorite lift giving me more problems than I can even begin to elaborate on. After the fifth rep I subconsciously went back to my old form and by rep ten realized the hole I had just put myself in. I finished from here alternating between Camargo style and Clare style with a few reps sprinkled in that were a little of both. Needless to say this wod will be repeated in no less than a weeks timeframe utilizing a G2O format strictly as a measuring tool to gauge recent training regimens and their value or lack thereof.

  6. Russell: 4:13rx

  7. karen
    75# almost 5 min..forgot time..should have lifted more weight..felt stronger as the wod went on....

  8. CFACE 140bw, rx 8:10.. so is rx 95# or 85#?

  9. Lorena
