Thursday, September 30, 2010

FRONT SQUAT 85/90/95

front squat
-high elbows
-tight midline

1x3 @ 85% 1RM
2x2 @ 90% 1RM
3x1 @ 95% 1RM

5 rounds for time:
burpees x 5
chest to ring (c2r) pull ups x 7
20#/12# wall ball shots x 9


  1. went to 130kg @95% of 1 rep max. Felt good. Other then that, it's rest day. ;-D

  2. harry
    am 40 mins form only, no power - most work @ < 14 spm - forming the stroke

    pm front squat - little over 5 poods PR
    7 mins on the metcon

  3. Chrissy 140bw
    110# pr
    6:10 on metcon, rx. C2r pullups, terrible!

  4. Planned a rest day today but just being present in the box would not allow it. I did however take a break from 3 consecutive days of ft. squat work.

    metcon time 8:46 rx with a twist, C2R were performed by reaching the transition portion of the muscle up or the bottom portion of a ring dip.

    Following this I made my inaugural debut with the Posers run club...Much tougher than I had anticipated. Some rest day.

  5. Hotdog 190bw
    170# pr (boom)
    6:08 for dessert (didn't really "kip" as much as I "jumped" on the c2r pullups--FML)

  6. Russell

    Front squat 295# pr
    5:22 metcon

    I like this zone diet... and i think its starting to show some results...metcon felt a little easier today

  7. rob's crew:
    johannes 100kg pr 6:20
    lisa 51kg pr 6:00
    reid 83kg 4:42
