Wednesday, September 1, 2010


95#/65# thrusters
pull ups

compare to 11MAY10

todays WOD was not posted online here until after the last session took place inside the box. this was a deliberate attempt to keep you from knowing what the workout was going to be. i personally know someone who 'cherry picks' his/her workouts and its dependent upon what the WOD is for that day. if it happens to be a slow and heavy day, and they're 'in the mood' for a fast/intense metcon, they choose to skip out and not show up at the box.

our good friend angela put it oh so eloquently when she stated "remember when this was the norm...when we didn't know what the WOD was until we showed up..." and i thank her for reminding me of it. and so keeping with that theme, we will constantly vary when we post the WOD. if you must absolutely know, and it's not a rest day for you, just show up. don't skip out on the skill & focus set that is geared to working on drills that you're weak on or that will increase one of the 10 general skills that we attempt to get better at each and everyday. don't skip out on the group dynamic and camaraderie of the other athletes that are giving what they have each rep. don't skip out on the family & community you don't get when you work out alone and by yourself. and don't skip out on the coaching that you won't get when you decide to do your own workout in place of what is prescribed to you for that day.

the inconvenient downside to this, is that you won't be able to post your scores on here until after the WOD gets posted. oh well...all we can say is be more patient on those days that the WOD hasn't been posted. this is miniscule compared to keeping your training constantly varied.

you need to be watched by a trained eye. you need to be told that your squat wasn't deep enough, that your overhead wasn't locked out and that your hips didn't fully open. this is what will get you faster and stronger. this is what will get you moving correctly and make that movement more efficient. it's not enough that you work hard & fast. we want you to go as fast as you are able to, but we need you to do it to damn near perfection and we are going to demand it. you have no option. choosing what you 'like' to do, or would rather do won't do nothing but satisfy your wants...not needs.


  1. Harry

    AM 5k row 19:50

    PM Fran 65# 7:20

  2. I seriously agree with you. It's amazing to see who shows up and who doesn't. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to dig down inside and pull everything you have out of the safe reserve.

    It is seriously true that things will only get better when we start working on our weaknesses.

    Thanx CFJax.

    But I have one request. (I'll write an email)

  3. Lorena

    45# 6:47 (sorry...not 4:47)
