Saturday, September 11, 2010

9-11-2001: 343

amrap in 9mins:
muscle ups x 3
315#/205# deadlift x 4
hspu x 3

5min rest

amrap in 11mins:
rope climbs x 3
20" burpee box jumps x 4
32kg/24kg kb snatch x 3 (each arm)

5min rest

2001m row for time


  1. Wod looked insane today!! Awesome job to the BAMF's that hit it hard! Thanks to Rob for his creative torture! What a great way to remember such an impactful day


  2. caleb.mod Dl's@275. 6/4/8:07

  3. caleb. mod 275 DL's. 6/4/8:07

  4. Bless all those souls that tried doing something to help.

    I hope to make this up soon. It seems to be a fantastic WOD.

    Spent a day in Ramstein with CF Ramstein crew. The grounder of CF Ramstein is going back home soon.

    In his honor we did the following:
    ‘The Bowen-ator’

    50 Wall Balls (20/14)
    25 Hang C&J (135/95)
    50 GHD Sit-Ups
    25 HSPU
    50 Double Unders
    25 Pull-Ups
    50 Burpees

    my time 23:50

  5. Warrior Run 5k 26:39
