Friday, July 2, 2010


-back extension vs. hip extension
-sit ups: proper execution

800m run
back extensions x 50
GHD sit ups x 50

all classes will be run as a revolving workout. we will be starting athletes as they show up and as the equipment becomes available. for the afternoon classes, please feel free to come at any time between 4:30pm and 6:30pm, not necessarily on the hourly scheduled class times.

In honor of LT(SEAL) Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28 2005.


  1. ryan w.190bw.mod.22:04

    1/2 reps on ghd and back extensions. great workout.

  2. Did 1/2 on everything with a time of 25.44...that ghd is a killer!! Back after 2 weeks of being gone and you can never pick a good WOD to come back on but this 1 was pretty darn good!

    Thanks Meg-o you're the shiz fo' sho!

  3. I would like to thank all of the members that have supported me and my family over the past three months as we have faced a potential layoff with the JFRD which had the potential to send our lives into a tailspin. These layoffs were averted today and I will begin my career at station 17 on the 4th of July.

    BTW rx on Michael sucked ass.

  4. Congrats, Steve!!! That's awesome news :)

  5. Steve
    Glad it worked out for you.
    Now the work begins. Speaking of work did the #225 deadlift & muscle up ladder to ten this afternoon. Tough wod
