Sunday, June 6, 2010


for those of you who don't already know, the navy has relocated me back to virginia beach for the next 3+ years. we drove up yesterday and got in town just in time for rush hour traffic. as soon as we were appreciating it, i was once again reminded of my other favorite vb past time - the sound of jet engines coming from F/A-18 hornets flying literally over your sunroof.

we drove around today looking for a park that had anything resembling a pull up bar. we ended up at first colonial high school - meghan's alma mater. luckily for us, the pull up bars were located below the stadium bleachers (why, i have no idea). you can't go wrong with pulling the cindy card out of the hat when you have limited resources. this would be the first wod i tackled post-rhabdo that provided any intensity for me. my previous training up to this point has been without the aid of time and/or the stopwatch. i eeked out 15 completed rounds + 5 push ups. meghan lost count after realizing she had skipped out the squats during one of her rounds (does this ring a bell, cav?)

we could have dropped in unexpectedly at one of the many boxes/affiliates in the area but without prior consent, i considered it to be rude to do so. our plan now is to drop in each day at a different affiliate to get a feel for the community here and their modus operandi.

enjoy this sunday with family & friends and don't forget what you should always remember...whatever that could be.

question of the day: why do you take fish oil supplements? if not, why not?

click here for highlights of the men's competition from the dirty south regionals

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