Wednesday, June 2, 2010


deadlift @ 80% 1RM
3 x 3
-no bouncing between reps
-1sec pause on ground in set-up position
-standard ROM today is ground to standing back to ground; no dropping bar

@ 60% 1RM:
deadlift x 15
c2b pull ups x 30
deadlift x 15
hspu x 20
deadlift x 15
muscle ups x 10
-for completion; not for time
-focus on the movement; not intensity
-maintain standards & ROM


  1. Happy Birthday Cav! or better said, "I am CrossFit Jax"! Keep on training! You really are prime example of what a human being can be!

    Man, you guys busted ass! Great work done at the regionals! You all can be proud of yourselves!

  2. Nice wod, even if the clock was off today! After doing 324's deadlift and front squat wod yesterday, this was a challenge!

    Have a nice day! The weather over here sucks...

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say goodbye to my Crossfit family. I saw most of you at Chris's party but some I was unable to send my thanks to. Just wanted to let you kids know how much Cfjax and everyone a part of the box has changed my life. You guys have helped me in so many ways and you don't even know!
    Love you all.

    Strike like lightning, clash like titans and get back up and do it again! I will see you soon,
    Katy Max

  4. WAKE UP
    200m sled drag #150 50m @ a time
    20 tgu
    20 ghd
    20 t2b
    20 back ext
    20 ghd sit ups

  5. rob- thx for words brother.

    katy- we're gonna miss your skinny little butt around here! give 'em hell and always remember to do the right thing no matter what.
