Friday, June 11, 2010


warm up
mash up:
box jumps
kb swings

back squat @ 65% 1RM
3 x 5

double unders x 100
185# g20 x 10
muscle ups x 5


  1. This was an Ego checker here. Great wod!

    bou. RX'd 28:29
    Shorty mod. 35:00 Didn't give up!
    Rob. 34:23. mod w/155 did 2 x 185# then went to 155#. Last round did 3 reps with 185#. Trying to get on that road.

  2. ryan w.191bw.mod

    ok..this one kicked my @$$!!!...first round i used 155 and 100 du's....on rounds 2,3,4...50 du's and 135....i was doing a lot of field tripping between reps...not happy with my output this morning.......40:??....great wod...

  3. ryan w.

    one more thing....i did jumping mu's.....

  4. Golds Gym Ft Walton Beach...rx166#:44:13. Getting back to going overhead after a month-
    and- a- half hiatus due to a shoulder injury. Thank you,JAX.

  5. caleb. rx'd. 33:46

    i almost talked myself out of doing this wod rx but thanks to kohl for talking me into bear'n up...didn't miss a single rep!

    Mod #135 at the base gym
    Could have used 155 but my excuse is.
    While doing g2o in this gym one single loud bang ie no bumper plates wil get you a lecture from the staff. Along with sir read the sigh DO NOT BANG WEIGHTS. My rings hanging from the overhead also caused a bit of a stir with the manager. My days could be numbered at the mayport gym unless I conform to THE GYM RULES. So we cranked up the ipod and rolled along along with controled g2o.
    Dazed for 2 hours afterwards
    Ready for the Sat am rdvu

  7. Karen....pre wod PR 3 kipping pullups Hurrah!!
    4 rds 25 DU +150 singles (pr of 6 consecutive DU's!!)75# G2O and mod muscle ups! forgot time..almost passed on the wod tonight.. GLAD I didnt!..feeling good..tired but good!

  8. Can not do DUs...I have tried and tried and tried some more. Something about spinning the rope and jumping at the same time.
    Mod workout - 22:50
    4 rnds: 200 sskips, 10 g2o@75# (1RM 85#), 10 pullups, 10 band dips
