Friday, June 18, 2010


warm up
down & up- elbows out, neutral wrist, hook grip. subtle dip with quick/fast hips.
elbows high & outside- triple extension THEN elbows pull up and back (scarecrow)
tall muscle snatch- at end of 'scarecrow', flip bar/pvc to overhead with active shoulders
jump & land- same foot position every time you land

sumo deadlift high pull
-violent, aggressive hip & knee extension
-shoulder shrug
-arm pull & elbows high

135# barbell complex
one rep equals the following:
-sdhp x 1
-squat snatch x 1

barbell complex 1-2-3-4-5-6
cfjax burpee 11-9-7-5-3-1
-1 complex then 11 burpees, 2 complex then 9 burpees, 3 complex then 7 burpees and so on
-12min time limit

5min rest

6 rounds with continuous running clock:
135# deadlift for max reps in 30secs
135# high hang hold for 30secs
-alternating grip is not authorized; use a standard clean grip (highly advise using hook grip)
-if you lose the grip on any round, penalty is 25 abmat sit ups (max penalty of 150 sit ups)
-perform abmat sit ups after the wod

5min rest

400m run for time

score is complex time, total deadlifts, run time


  1. mego / 156 / 17JUNE2010

    did cav's "21 gun salute" with steve-o last night. everything felt good until it started feeling really really bad.

    rx women 115# squat clean thrusters / 16lb slam balln/ 8:58

    steve and i almost shot each other in the second round of the salute. it was hilarious on film but cold have been a cfjax tragedy. i could have ended up a mere 1 lbs after he crushed me with his 155#.

    nice workout master chief.

  2. 11:42/46/1:18...The heat is a prime example of "constantly varied" good luck 4:30-6:30 :)

  3. what a wod! Very interesting!!!

    raymond(my son from florida 17yoa)6:28/40kg;Lost count on the dl's; 1:06 on the run.

    Jean.7:45 mod w/40kg. dl's?.1:09 for the run.

    bou. RX'd 8:45/62 rx'd/ 1:08

    rob. mod 110# 11:?/ Part 2: round 1 was 23 reps. After that I lost count. I believe there weren't anymore then 6 reps per rd after that. I had a hard time holding the high hang hold.
    Part 3: 400m run= 1:09.

    I can only say it again and again you guys are amazing!

    btw, who programmed this one? 2nd question, what are ya'lls thought and experience to and about Paleo?


  4. great numbers germany! this kid bou is a real beast.

    i'm doing all the programming for the box, rob. if i borrow concepts and/or actual wods from other sources i'll give credit where credit is due. having said that, there is nothing new under the sun and you'd be a fool to think that you or anyone else for that matter, has come up with a 'new' twist of time/task objectives. if you think you have, chances are its been done before.

    regarding paleo, its quality over quantity which is great. however, in order to be precise and accurate correlating to increasing performance, then you have to weigh & measure, otherwise how do you know what you need more/less of? its the EXACT same when approaching physical training. you can continually perform a new workout each and everytime without repeating one, never documentating your work output, never gauge your progress i.e. use stopwatch and/or record rounds performed. inevitably at some point you will stop what you're doing, evaluate what you've done, and have no idea what you need to change/modify or do more/less of because you have no data to measure/repeat.

    eating meats, veggies, nuts & seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar is a great starting ground. strict paleo - no salt, dairy, legumes, gluten free etc - is harder to be disciplined with in this day in age unless you have the absolute luxury of making/cooking your own meals. good luck with that one. but sticking to that mantra will get you from the path of sickness to wellness in a hurry. to get from wellness to fitness, you're gonna have to be precise & accurate with your eating in order to increase your performance, which directly means getting results. if you're in it to get any kind of result what so ever (the definition of 'result' being relative to the individual), then what in the hell are you doing it for?

    so my prescription would be to eat quality real foods and weighing and measuring it.

  5. good meeting you chris. and great time on the wod!

  6. Elite physical performance and "good looks" do not stray too far from each other... However, when did the paradigm shift occur? I'm slightly confused with Jax???

  7. great meeting your crew, bubba. really enjoyed the hospitality.

    anonymous- if you are indeed a top level performing athlete, regardless of what sport you're in, chances are you 'look good' they're one in the same; well maybe...depending on the sport lol. so i agree with that statement to a degree. you're absolutely correct, they do not stray too far from each other. but i never stated anything about looking good in my previous comment. is it a by-product of what we do? yes. coupled with healthy eating, its bound to happen. i know several people who can't wait to take their shirts off once they get in the box to workout. some even show up with their shirts already off (only guys of course...that will be the day a chick does the same). i even have one who constantly looks at himself as much as possible (call it an 'amap') every chance he gets. there is absolutely nothing wrong with this mentality, but we don't focus on body composition changes. its not a priority of ours. but when it happens by nature of the program, you better believe we'll highlight them on our site. is this a paradigm shift? maybe if you could define your question in more detail it would help in my answering of it. i apologize if you are confused in anyway. we can assist you if you'd like to help you get your mind right. everyone on our end isn't confused about anything.

    if you were to walk in ANY gym that preached anything associated with having top quality, and you saw a bunch of overweight members who didn't look the part and performed terribly in their workouts, what would you think of their program? would you be confused about that?

    i have never seen a olympic gold medalist who didn't 'look' like an olympic gold medalist. come to think of it, i'm slightly confused by you.

  8. * Bodyweight: 161.75 kg (1980 Summer Olympics);[4]
    * Height: 6 foot 1 inch (1.86 metres);[5]

    Career bests

    * Snatch: 190.0 kg in 1977-09-01 on Podolsk;
    * Clean and press: 236.5 kg, official world record until 1972;
    * Clean and jerk: 256.0 kg in 1977-11-01 on Moscow;
    * Total: 645.0 kg (clean and press + snatch + clean and jerk), in 1972-04-15, on Tallinn, official world record until 1972;[6]
    * Total: 445.0 kg (snatch + clean and jerk) on Podolsk

    can you name this athlete. height and weight probably obese. he would train by jumping into freezing water and lifting. there are a lot of outstanding fat athletes.

    as for CFJAX i am really tired now and will probably not do a long row tomorrow. i was right at 12 mins for the first part @ 75lbs but DNF. the second part @95# i did 50 reps and held the bar. 2min on run. what a great workout.

  9. Better keep my shirt on, dont want no problems with this dude.

  10. mego / 156 / 65#

    11:00 / 60 / 1:51
