Saturday, June 19, 2010


warm up
8min self warm up & stretch

bench press
-do's & dont's

bench press
6 x 3

5min rest

250m row
double unders x 90
air squats x 80
abmat sit ups x 70
push ups x 60
24" box jumps x 50
back extensions x 40
pull ups x 30
kte x 20
hspu x 10


  1. so how much do you bench?


  2. I bench 255#pr 3x since you ask. I guess I have to comment on the little diddy following as well...19:35. Could have been a lot slower if I didn't have my little buddy to chase around the box trying to catch him.

    I would be remised if I didn't comment on a thought that crossed my mind on the way in this morning. I so enjoy my 30 min. commute to the box every Sat. morning as it gives me a chance to reflect on the week and the upcoming suckfest I am about to engage in. As I travel the same route every day which takes me from the Wonderwood expressway to Assisi and then to Mayport rd, it never fails that I encounter at least 2 or 3 groups of cyclists that are obviously weekend warriors. Not to say that this is not an athletic sport for I know several people that ride seriously and along with other fitness goals they are in better than mediocre shape. But the groups I normally run across are riding more for a social event rather than a for a purpose. As I drive behind them and they are traveling at a snail pace and their cellulite pours out of their spandex shorts that they probably paid $80 for, I notice that they are all riding extremely high end bikes. I am no expert on cycling equipment but I am familiar enough to know that the bikes they were riding were all worth over $1200. I cannot grasp what some people will do to give the appearance that they are involved in some sort of training regimen. For the cost of their bikes they all could have Crossfitted somewhere for almost a year and changed their life, but they will continue to ride their bikes every Sat. and tell their friends that they "worked out" this weekend. I'm off my soapbox, see you on Monday.

  3. Bench 3rm #215 pr

    Part II. 23 and some change
    Had a good run going on the double unders at 84 and screwed it up. Slow is smooth and smooth yeah you know the rest. The best way to describe the rest of the wod is written all over my face in the group pic. My zombie like stare should explain everything.

  4. Excellent workout. Didn't have time to post our results till now.

    Bou.110kg, 15:24 RX'd did t2b instead of k2e
    Lisa. 20:10 mod push ups to 30.
    jean. 19:55 rx'd
    ronnie. 21:42 mod. did singles instead of du's
    rob. 120kg,17:35 rx'd did t2b instead of k2e.
