Saturday, May 1, 2010


2 person team WOD:
one person works at a time / 'you go i go' tag team concept

1 mile team run for time:
-each person runs 1 mile
-add both times for score

2min rest

team snatch:
in 10mins, each person must find his/her heaviest snatch
-one person at a time on the bar
-add both loads for total

2min rest

team chipper:
100 full kb swings each person 24kg men / 16kg women
80 push ups each person
60 ohs each person 95# men / 65# women
40 burpees each person
20 hspu each person

the following is a testimonial from Harry, one of CFJAX's dedicated and hard working members. Harry has been with us for close to a year and has significantly increased his ability to become more functional at not only physical activity, but with life in general. at 53 years of age, he is turning back the clock on his fitness. since beginning his CF adventure, his wife Karen has also began her journey with us and she too is kicking ass and taking names! here are his own words:

"Thanks CFJAX. It wasn’t a long time ago I had to take a medication (and thank God for it) that pretty much wiped out my ability to do some things that came quite naturally before. Another cycle and my wrist and ankles would have fallen over and I would have been in a wheelchair. Soon after I received my last treatment, I went for a bike ride. My doc told me to forget all I had previously done and to try gardening instead. As I squatted down to attach the pump to the valve stem of my bike's tire, I tried to stand from a squatting position and quickly realized I was unable to. The nerves were so badly damaged I couldn’t stand up. Inevitably I had to roll over on to my stomach, and crawl my way up. I could not squat my own body weight. Try to imagine not being able to do an air squat! It would be this way for over a year. I was unable to row or hold the handle for at least two years. I couldn’t write, let alone zip up a zipper. I could'nt even stand up on the bike pedals to go up a hill. I had to walk it up. My muscles were still there but the nerves were gone. They told me they would never really come back. So when I back squatted 185 earlier in the week, it is kind of a big deal to me, and I wanted to send you all note telling you how grateful I am for the help."

Harry, you did all the help & work you needed brother. We're glad to be a part of your journey!


  1. Dear Harry Squater my name is Tino I'm a Coach at CROSSFIT HARDCORE and I just want to say GREAT F$&@ING job and thank you for sharing. My peers and I are great fans of CFJAX and visit the site many times to explore what random acts of torture they got going on and take it for a spin. So it's highly understandable to me the great achievement you have had training in that house of fury. Knowing what I know about the JAX style of WOD my question is this, how many rope climbs, H.S.P.U, L stand pull ups, muscle ups, G.H.D sit ups, and miles running backwards up stairs on your fingertips did you have to do before the 185 squat??? LMFAO. In all seriousness congrats you are blessed to training in a stellar box of course it's memmbers like you with stories like this that make it stellar box. KEEP ON TRUCKIN BROTHER "Tino" out of service.

  2. GREAT effort this morning guys. We had initially posted 1 mile total for the first portion of the WOD, however as my small morning group became filled with such CFJAX studs and shit talkers, I figured 1 mile each was totally legit. Everyone broke up their strategy different, however all finished well within a min of each other.

    teams we not allowed to touch or load their bars until the 10 min time allotment started, and only 1 bar was used per team.

    the chipper was just that. chippin' away at a whole bunch of shit when you're really tired and did Murph yesterday. It was awesome to watch the team efforts. Nice job everybody.

    I'm sure everyone will enjoy a REST DAY tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

  3. You guys are nuckin futs! That was a PHENOMENAL workout this morning! Really awesome job!

  4. caleb.rx.despite the depths of murph still pr'd on a mile run and snatch
    5:52pr mile
    160pr snatch
    the team comradery brings a powerful aspect

  5. Harry I have watched you improve all the way.
    Keep going brother. Some days are harder than others. 2day was a mother.
    Yes, rest for Sunday and back at it Monday.

  6. Harry, very damned impressive! Stay on the Path!

    After Murph on Friday, this WOD was something to chew on. (for me at least)

    first we did the 800m ea.

    bou. 2:58
    rob. 2:48
    rob. 60kg. (I just suck at this)
    bou. 75kg


    I do not know about anyone else. But the first 2-3 Burpees were hard to do. hspu's- were even harder. pretty much executed as singles only.

  7. Aaron P 215BW snatch 191#pr Good job Ryan pushing through.

  8. ryan w....thx Aaron...could not have made it past that one without you and meghans push....

  9. ditto steve, im tired too. and SORE, very sore. i went in solo on this one, so i cut the reps in half. it was 5pm saturday afternoon and the sun was BLAZING hot, so you know the hot box was in full effect. murph, at this point, was 26 hours past, so the serious soreness was seriously setting in. however, business is business and there is work to be done. i subbed the 10 min heaviest snatch with a thruster. got 125# over my head, but ol' murph in my armpits and my chest said, "sorry kid, maybe next time."

    mego / bw 156

    800m run = 4:08
    1rm thruster in 10 min = 120#
    chipper (1/2 reps) = 15:04

  10. P.S. ... Caleb, you look fat in that picture.

  11. Aaron P Yeah Caleb looks fat untill he runs a mile faster then you run 400m x 4 with a 2min rest between 400m.

  12. ryan w....Cav...dude you are ripped...if i looked like that i would never have a shirt on....

  13. anyone would look fat standing next to cav...just keep stroling into the gym drinking your starbucks crapafrapachino's and see what happens...thast like what? 9 blocks

  14. dear caleb,

    YES! thats exactly what i was looking for. love it.

    dear everyone else,

    i drink an americano with my afternoon snack. i count heavy cream as my fats, i even make them weigh it out. i haven't had a crapafrap since i was youg and dumb.

    love mego.

  15. Team: Cliff-n-Deb
    tag team mile 7:02
    snatch 95#/70#, total:=165#
    chipper 31:16, (mod ohs 55#, 2 ab mat hspu)
