Tuesday, April 13, 2010


warm up
burgener 3 x 10

snatch balance

snatch 6 x 1

amrap in 8mins of:
-rope climbs x 2
-ring dips x 4
-24" box jumps x 6

post heaviest load & rounds to comments


  1. 200pr. 8 rounds + 2 Rope Climbs

  2. Dustin 145pr 8 rounds + 2 Rope Climbs

  3. caleb.155pr.9rnds

  4. SNATCH = to seize suddenly or eagerly.
    Lets just say the snatch is not a lift I'm technically proficient at. Give me the ground to overhead or jerk any day.

    Part 2
    I was in hyper drive, experienced border line crank case explosion & major cavitation was approaching over speed trip on the main engine. Had to back her down on the last 10 seconds. Heavy black smoke. Every once in a while it's good to open her up and see what happens.

    Just another crossfit soldier marching to the beat.

  5. Kohl-215bw-165pr 9 rounds plus rope climb plus ring dips plus 3 box jumps. Will be out of comission for a few days pulled a calf muscle on the last set of box jumps. A big thanks to Turbo J and Meg for the extra help working on the snatch this is by far my worst lift and is for that very reason is the lift I need to work on the most.

  6. The finisher, a Pop-Tart, and your admiration all part of my late night snack...

    turbo. rx. 13 + 1 rope

  7. Kohl, I can't tell you how proud I am to read your, "Kohl-215bw"! I know you've been working hard and it's been paying off. Congrats and keep up the good work!

  8. Steve C. 198bw. rx. snatch 170#, not a pr, WTF I thought we were supposed to pr every time. Finisher: 12 rnds+1 RC.
