Wednesday, April 28, 2010


warm up
burgener 2 x 10

push jerk
-vertical dip & drive: OPEN THE HIPS!
-jump & land
-head/chest through frontal plane
-stand to full extension

within 15mins, find clean & jerk 1RM
-this is a strict cnj; not ground to overhead. no presses to lockout allowed

5min rest

CFJAX Baseline for time

post heaviest load & time to comments


  1. It's was early. Sunshine and warm temp. what more could one want? A better f***ing Jerk!

    Bou. c+j 91kg. Baseline: 3:53 failed @ 100kg
    rob. c+j 90kg. " ": 3:54 failed @ 95kg.
    then we ran out of time.

    we used as usual 50 x sdlhp w/35kg as a sub for the row.

  2. Travis G Gotta work on openin gup the hips and not being afraid to get under the bar! 160lbs

    CF Baseline 4:06....yeah that's a PR by 33 seconds!

  3. Felt like I was beating my head against a wall today.

    #255. I failed @277.5 7 times. on the 8th I finally got the clean which is a pr of 2.5lbs from the sectionals and then failed 3x at the jerk.

    3:43? on the baseline

  4. caleb.205.failed at 215 on jerk

  5. A day of much needed rest.

    Programming dead on.

    Confidence factor, elevated.

    Thursdays wod C2B CINDY.

  6. karen 90# baseline 5:19 w/real push ups mod pull ups smallest band (next time goal is NO band)

  7. Dustin 200# pr's on both squat clean and clean and jerk. Last Squat clean was 177 and last clean and Jerk was 165. I think my Jerk could go higher but need to work the clean up. Being out a couple weeks hurt my baseline. Last baseline was 4:16 this time 4:26. Time to work on the conditioning.

  8. It's all about business and business is goooood! First I want to thank everyone that kept pushing me tonight, couldn't have asked for a more kick ass group of people!

    Did a PR on the clean and jerk of 120# really surprised with myself, I was getting to the point of feeling like I couldn't get under the bar but withhard work and practice that will come. As it for for my baseline my last PR was 8.29 when I came back in Feb/March and as of today I have a new PR of 6.59 on the baseline.

    I'm feeling good guys and gals, I'm feeling good! 4 PR's is 7 days!

  9. im SO proud of all of you. i CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH!

    chris and my PR pillow talk is how many PR's were achieved in each of our classes ... who it was, what they put up (yes we know all of your numbers by heart, sick i know) and what their strengths and weaknesses were in that particular lift.

    you guys are keeping me up WAY too late. ;)

  10. Steve C. 225#/ 3:50. Form felt like crap and fatigue was a factor plus that shit felt heavy. Failed numerous times with heavier loads but I can't complain about a 66.6 pr percentage this week. This metabolic pathway is spent.

  11. Brannon. 185bw. 182# (PR)/ 4:41 Baseline (PR)
    I'm becomming more comfortable getting under the bar and actually much more confident with the split jerk than the normal landing stance. Confidence is increasing with this movement after a year of CF.

  12. Kohl 215bw-235lb pr on the C&J 3:35 One thing about crossfit every time you think you have made huge gaines it will turn around and expose your weakness! I have alot of ground to make up on my clean and on my front squat OHS and Back squat wgile all three lifts are going up in weight it kills me to know they should be much higher than what they are, but at the same time I can thank CFJAX for getting them to the point I am at now! Great job to every one who has set a new PR in the last couple of weeks or months!

  13. Kohl, I believe my list of to do's just keeps getting longer!

  14. Rob,
    I feel you on that one!!! I never thought I would see the day I looked at running and pull ups as a possible strong point!


  15. Aaron P 215bw 245# 3:51 PR thats right sub 4 club

  16. Stacey from Afghanistan01 May, 2010 09:55

    Thanks for posting your work outs. We have 3-4 Airborne Troopers that follow them.

    Set a PR on the clean and jerk of 205#. 3:17 on the base line, but had to sub SDHP.

    Thanks again

  17. Deb bw115, 90# baseline 4:40 sub 50 reps 35# sdhp for rowing
