Monday, March 15, 2010


warm up
double unders x 50
burgener 2 x 10

2 rounds:
ghd hip & back extension x 10
knees to elbows x 10
pvc romanian deadlifts x 10


deadlift 5 x 3
-maintain lumbar curve
-shoulders behind bar at full extension
-delay knee bend on return/eccentric phase (maintain lumbar curve!)
-1sec delay between reps ('09 Regionals standards); no bouncing
-load is too heavy if you surrender lumbar curve; decrease the load
-focus: on technique @ heavy loads; not shitty form @ heavIER loads

5min rest

CFJAX 'Baseline Intro' for time

post heaviest load & Baseline time to comments


  1. Dustin bw170. 275 w/good form. Baseline PR 4:16 down from 4:29 in January. I think this had a lot to do with strategy. Thanks to Jon for the suggestion to keep my row around 1:50. I just paced the Row at 1:48 which made it easier to do the whole workout unbroken including the squats. Felt good but really want to get sub fours. I think the only place I could make up time now is the Row and perfecting the butterfly kip on the pull ups, everything else I was pretty much wide open on.

    I was definitely seeing stars after this one.

  2. 225#

    pull-ups absolutely killed me on the baseline. i used the thin purple band and wasn't getting my chin over the bar towards the end. i'm definitely going to work on them! no more bands...time to get serious :)

  3. Steve C.
    form practice w/deads, 3:40 baseline pr

  4. ryan w. 190bw, 295# (pr), 5:00...

  5. Katy Max 100bw, 4:59 PR

  6. rob. interesting touch w/ 1sec. btw reps.
    405# x 3 / 4:12 for the Baseline.
    (sdlhp w/80# x 50 instead of rowing.)

  7. Chrissy 152bw, 145# DL's are such a struggle, have a long way to go.
    BL- 5:14, should have pushed the row harder, legs felt weak on squats, purple band for PU's
