Wednesday, February 17, 2010


warm up
pvc burgener warm up 3 x 10
-explanation & theory
-include warm up & skills transfer movements
-click here for more info

2 rounds of:
burpees x 10
jumping pull ups x 10
ring dips x 10
box jumps x 10

800m run

muscle up transition
-false grip
-pull into chest
-trace pectoral muscle w/ thumbs @ transition to bottom of ring dip, throwing your head & shoulders through 'window'
-extend from bottom of ring dip into full extension

500m row
400m run
3min rest

your 1st round is your score for this workout:
-for the 1st round, row pace must be within 3secs of your PR i.e. if your 500m PR is 1:35 then your row time must be 1:38 or faster
-the 400m run is a SPRINT!!!

post time to comments


  1. We as usual, because of our lack of C2's, had to modify the wod. However, it still was an ass kicker.

    we did as follows:

    3 rounds
    50 sdlhp with 30kg
    400 meter sprint(50 meters of which are going over some stairs, a hill and snow. I liked it because nothing should be made simple)

    then as planned 3 min rest btw. rounds

    total times:

    bou. 10:58
    kiwi.13:56 1st round w/ 40kg sdlhp (He thought it would be easy)
    rob.10:41 I am surely but slowly pulling my butt back into gear.

    Thanks again to ya'll!

    P.S. Thanks for mentioning us.:-D

  2. Travis G 203 bw 1st round timing got messed up. 2nd round 3:48

  3. Lisa.rx.4:21

    Damn these short legs!

  4. Harry 4:51
    a sizzler on the run.

    the article on Rob in Germany is great. had no idea.
