Friday, July 24, 2009


solista & steph from crossfit 324 graced us with their presence and brought forth the following workout. its always great to spend time with our closest friends. and what a way to share it:

amrap for 5mins at each station
2min rest between stations

1) 135# thrusters x 5
muscle ups x 5

2) 135# power snatch x 5
ring dips x 5

3) 135# squat cleans x 5
hspu x 5

4) 135# hang power clean to overhead x 5
12' rope climbs x 5

5) 135# sdhp x 5
burpees x 5

post TOTAL REPS for score

solista 324. 206bw. rx. 180
turbo j. 160bw. rx. 180
russ. 161bw. rx. 173


  1. bou.178bw. rx. 167
    rob.200bw. mod.169

    Had to modify power snatch this morning down to 117.(52kg) Everything else as suggested. Without Bou I probably wouldn't have done this today. Still wacked from yesterday.

  2. Steve C. 193 b/w rx
    Will have to make this one up on Tues. at work. Did "Nate" today, 13 rnds completed.
