Saturday, July 18, 2009


warm up
3 rounds of:
jumping pull ups x 5
tricep push ups x 10
air squat jumps x 15

pvc burgener x 5

pvc press progression x 5

400m run
5 rounds of 'Cindy'

400m run
5 rounds of:
45# hang squat clean x 5
45# push jerk x 10

400m run
5 rounds of:
45# hang power snatch x 5
45# ohs x 10

400m run
5 rounds of 'Cindy'

one time through from top to bottom; rest when you're done
scale rounds/load as necessary
post total time for score


  1. From Friday Raymonds going to Florida wod:
    part2(angie) 3:42,
    part3 (2min. kettlebell swings(susi 16kg, Ray 24kg, ralph 24kg, rob 32kg) together 202 reps.

    Todays wod (sat.)
    axel.31:01 mod Jumping pull ups
    stefan.36:29 rx'd
    ralph.26:47 rx'd
    simon.38:13 rx'd
    rob. 23:50 rx'd 140# Thruster's from yesterday and this today finished me off....

  2. justin. mod. 20:45
    tommy. mod. 24:45
    turbo j. rx. 21:32
    steve c. rx. 24:04
    aaron h. rx. 27:57
    ryan. rx. 37:57
    todd. rx. 37:16
    lisa. mod. 24:04
    jason (cf hardcore). rx. 27:32
    caleb. rx. 25:04
