Friday, July 17, 2009


warm up
pvc burgener warm up
1 rep of each movement
repeated over & over for 5mins.

L-sit progression (use bar/rings/paralettes)
-active shoulders
-neutral gaze/head position
-torso parallel to arms
-bent knees/thighs parallel progressing to one leg @ a time to two legs
5 holds for max time
:30 rest between holds

with a continuously running clock, do 1 pull up/1 push up the 1st minute, 2 pull ups/2 push ups the 2nd minute and so on for 12 minutes. if you max out your reps prior to the 12 minutes, revert back to the 1/1 rep scheme and start over until you reach the 12 minute time-cap.
post highest minute completed for score.

2min rest

amrap in 10mins of:
- bodyweight deadlift x 10
- burpees x 5
post bodyweight & total rounds completed for score

2min rest

with a continuously running clock, do 1 abmat sit up/1 leg raise the 1st minute, 2 abmat sit ups/2 leg raises the 2nd minute and so on for 12 minutes. if you max out your reps prior to the 12 minutes, revert back to the 1/1 rep scheme and start over until you reach the 12 minute time-cap.
post highest minute completed for score.


  1. Would have been great to do this today!
    However, we had to do a going to Florida WOD for our son Raymond.

    the wod:
    10 rounds as a team of
    3 weighted pull ups w/22.5# (Ray)
    3 Thrusters 135# (rob 3, ralph 3)
    3 medball cleans (Susi)

    2 min rest

    then: 100 pull ups, 100 situps, 100 Pushups, 100 squats for time. Completed as a team.

    Will post both times tomorrow.

  2. killer workout, rob! i would hope tomorrow is a rest day for your guys lol

  3. steve c. 192bw. 12-7-12
    jason (cf hardcore). 185bw. 12-7-12
    raquel (cf hardcore). 140bw. 10-4-12
    cav. 164bw. 12-6-12
    brian d. 178bw. 12-6-12
    tommy. 140bw. 12-6-12
    ryan. 199bw. 10-5-12
    matt. 180bw. 12-5-12
    lorena. 128bw. 10-4-12
    scott. 175bw. 11-5-12
    justin. 148bw. 12-7-12
    brannon. 186bw. 9-5-12
    brian c. 175bw. 11-4-9
    josh c. 196bw. 12-4-10
    turbo j. 158bw. 12-9-12 @ 225#
    kohl. 245bw. 9-6-12
    barry. 213bw. 12-4-12
    russ. 161bw. 12-10-12
