Wednesday, July 15, 2009


warm up
800m run
pvc pass thrus x 10
pvc ohs x 10
kte x 10
clapping push ups x 10
ghd sit ups x 10
squat thrusts x 10
2K row for time
5min rest
max pull ups in one attempt
2min rest
max push ups in 2mins
2min rest
max abmat sit ups in 2mins
10min rest
1.5 mile run for time
post row/run times, reps for score


  1. rob.203bw .6:25/11:19, 21,84,62
    bou. .6:00/11:56, 20,62,51
    loosi. .7:00mod/11:17, 12,42,52
    Ralph.155bw.7:28/11:17, 33,49,57
    stefan.160bw.10:09/13:26, 17,50,54 Did the run right after sit ups!

    Being that we are still without C2's, we did 200 sdhlp's w/20kg instead of 2K row. Rest as ordered.

  2. tommy. 140bw. 8:16/23/60/60/10:15
    caleb. 150bw. 7:42/26/66/70/10:15
    harry. 235bw. 7:02/17/34/43/15:50
    aaron h. 153bw. 7:44/29/61/68/10:08
    jon g. 153bw. 7:44/32/63/52/10:05
    dustin. 7:54/21/49/44/14:21
    brian c. 177bw. 8:51/3/42/54/11:05
    scott. 174bw. 8;10/17/57/51/12:20
    travis. 207bw. 7:39/4/41/60/10:10
    case. 135bw. 8:18/18/40/64/9:40
    brannon. 185bw. 7:29/14/45/62/12:32
    lisa. 11:30/6/40/76/12:59
    lorena. 10:05/7/35/68/15:28
    kristin. 8:39/13/49/80/12:11
