Wednesday, May 20, 2009

warm up
100 single unders
50 double unders
10-8-6-4-2 ghd sit ups
1-3-5-7-9 ghd back extensions
(i.e. 10/1, 8/3,...2/9)
pvc x 15:
-hang power snatch

round one
95# clean and overhead x 21
20# weighted pull ups x 9
-2 min rest-

115# clean and overhead x 15
chest to bar pull ups x 15
-2 min rest-

round three
135# clean and overhead x 9
pull ups x 21

overhead = full extension & lockout by any means via
press, push press or jerk

post all three times for score


  1. todd. 219. rx. 2:23/2:41/3:02

    steve d. 158. rx. 1:26/1:47/1:21

    matt m. 175. jpu. 2:24/2:56/3:03

    caleb. 155. rx. 1:57/2:52/2:13

    mo. 218. rx. 1:24/2:24/2:32

    harry. 241. 75#/85#/90# jpu. 2:11/3:01/2:58

    dustin. 165. rx. 1:43/2:55/4:05

    barry. 217. rx. 1:36/2:53/3:26

    bond. 175. rx. 2:19/3:54/4:41

    aaron. 220. jpu. 2:00/4:12/4:12

    donald. 188. rx. 2:46/3:37/3:51

    travis. 208. jpu 115# 2nd & 3rd rnd. ?/5:42/4:53

    kohl. 255. rx. 2:32/2:37/4:03

    turbo. 158. rx. 1:27/1:30/1:43

    ryan. 198. rx. 2:43/4:22/3:58

    alex. 197. rx. 4:41/3:14/3:33

    kyle r. 187. 75#/95#/115# jpu. 2:25/2:56/2:41

    scott. 175. 75#/95#/115# jpu. 2:12/2:19/2:32

    luis. 135. 75#/95#/115# jpu. 1:26/2:47/3:47

    jon. 155. rx. 1:55/2:14/2:33

    russ. 162. rx. 1:36/1:36/1:36

    turbo & kohl repeated this wod about an hour after they performed it the first time around. a caveat to this, is that they increased the loads and 'experimented' a bit. here are there results:

    turbo. 95#/115#/155#. 1:36/1:38/1:49
    kohl. 95#/115#/155#. 1:46/2:15/3:10

  2. Great job everyone! I'm going to try this WOD tomorrow-will post results.
    Holla at a Cracka Now!

  3. 165.RX.1:42/1:57/3:05...GRIP WAS GONE by round 3-lungs too for that matter:) Also did the ring dip/deadlift/CFJAX burpee WOD...rx@ 9:33. I like the idea of insuring "hittin' the deck" clients are cursing you guys!!:)
