Saturday, April 4, 2009

warm up
400m run
3rnds of:
- clap push ups x 10
- abmat sit ups x 10
- squats x 10

2 person team
800m team run
10rnds of Cindy each person (you go I go)
400m team run
5rnds of 10pull ups/20push ups/30squats each person (ygig)
800m team run


  1. swaygo/rowdy 30:52
    steve d/lewdog 33:43
    dr j/caleb 20# vest 37:38
    jessie k/steve c 44:41
    rey/guy 47:47
    beegees/athena 50:10

  2. Completed the Hypoxia Challenge yesterday - man...that was most definitely challenging, but a hell of a work that I loved. I had to have two different barbells, however, because some of the movements required more weight load than others. Snatches are one of the movements that I absolutely love, but do not have as great a skill as I seek (always a work in progress), so I decided to go a bit lighter and concentrate more on proper form rather than the strength aspect.

    I used 95# for the cleans and 65# for the snatch, muscle ups are still from jumping position, but rings are going higher on the strap, so some improvement is better than none. Perhaps I need to get myself to a gymnastics center to get a coach to help me with the damn thing.

    Time was 19:54 and I couldn't believe how little oxygen there seemed to be in the air - ha!

  3. Im still down for a back injury but 2 guys did the WOD.

    Eric W.? Robert L. 37:54

  4. Looking good guys!
