Tuesday, April 14, 2009

warm up
1min double unders
1min burpees
1min jumping pull ups
1min kb swings
1min box jumps
burgener warm up x 3

full squat snatch
warm up 5 x 5
work set 5 x 1 for 1RM

power position/triple extension/pull under/easy landing


  1. rowdy. 178. 135#
    tracie. 135. 65#
    jr. 181. 85#
    he. 247. 85# for form
    caleb. 155. 140#
    jon. 157. power snatch. 115#
    turbo j. 159. 170#
    cr. 159. 175#

    karl & matt m. did the following:
    3rnds for time:
    - 500m row
    - 20 clapping push ups
    - 20 box jumps
    karl 17:29
    matt m. 14:13

  2. Hey cr! That looks BRUTAL!

    rob.205. worked up to 50kg.(= 112.5#)Felt the shoulder a little. So I stopped there. Went down to 30kg (= 67.5#) and did 30 Hang Snatches for a time of 2:01. Snatching is going to be another one of my priorities.

  3. maria.120.75#

    I was disappointed with my snatch today. This is one of those days when I wished I had someone watching my movements. I'm sure my form was lacking, I could feel it. I've know what it "feels" like to get a good snatch and today just didn't measure up, for whatever reason.
    I wasn't even able to get anywhere near my previous 1rm of 85#.

  4. Aaron from NC 220. 165#

  5. How's it going?! Did the CF324 WOD this morning. It really kicked my butt.

    amrap in 20 min of: 10 x 67,5# Thrusters
    10 x Pull ups.

    11 rounds + 8 thrusters. I am off to work.
    Take it easy!!!
