Thursday, April 23, 2009


warm up
every minute on the minute (emom) for 5mins:
- 10 double unders
- 15 air squats
burgener warm up w/ pvc 3 x 10

15 thrusters 95#
15 pull ups
15 squat cleans 95#
15 pull ups
15 hang squat clean n jerk 95#
15 pull ups
3min rest

10 thrusters 115#
10 ring dips
10 squat cleans 115#
10 ring dips
10 hang squat clean n jerks 115#
10 ring dips
2min rest

5 thrusters 135#
5 hspu
5 squat cleans 135#
5 hspu
5 hang squat cleans 135#
5 hspu

post total time for score


  1. cav. 163. 75/85/95. 23:24
    dustin. 166. 75/85/95. 27:02
    junior. 181. 75/85/95. 31:52
    kyle k. 176. rx. 21:36
    caleb. 155. rx. 21:36
    rowdy. mod hspu. 48:41
    dr j. 180. rx. 23:59
    one-2. 170. 75/95/115. 31:15
    ryan. 198. mod hspu. 39:34
    brannon. 186. mod. 39:34
    lorena. 128. mod. 40:40

  2. Best of luck to Turbo and Russ. Looking forward to seeing everyone out at the Games!!!

  3. thanks, JB!

    correction to kyle k's time: 20:36

  4. aaron. 220. rx 38:10 WTF I thought I was going to die

  5. Best wishes from guys f*#king ROCK!!! Smoke on the water... Fire in your wake...!

  6. aaron-
    get used to that feeling...we are proud of our programming and it will get you all the results you need.

    thanks bro! we're gonna treat it like a suicide run :) there is no coming back!

  7. A suicide mission. There's no turning back. It is important to pace yourself in order to get to the target. If you can't fight when you get there what is the point? Go in soft and come out hard.
    There are so many factors in this equation. How many times did someone walk in off the streets fresh and smoke a workout (on a Thursday) when the rest of the group started on Monday and by Friday have done the equivalent of the Bataan Death March? I saw it all the time. Rest was a privilege we denied ourselves in the interest of self-discovery.
    If you're addicted to performance then you probably moderate your participation but if you're addicted to sucking every bit of life out of your bones then you probably over train without knowing it. Your times may not be the best but your 100% at 80% is greater than the majority's 100% at 100%. Who would I want to take with me? The stellar operator who gets his balanced meal every two or three hours and doesn't train unless the stars are evenly aligned? Or the guy who operates on a tenuous diet of courage and determination, one who sleeps little, eats little, and keeps discomfort as his mistress? One who sacrifices performance for effort in order to find undiscovered chinks in his armor? One who runs on fumes and intangible factors that the populace doesn't understand? One who, unshaken by fear, unfettered in his pursuit, and unmoved by the critics but drives on to achieve what was once unachievable and in so doing would rather die than accept the acquiescence and resignation of defeat?
    The games are the one opportunity where peak performance can be measured and extraneous factors like rest, diet, and training are discounted. There are no excuses. It is the one time in this endeavor where the aforementioned factors are important, where doing your homework will pay off (unless you studied the wrong subject).
    When we broke away from the HQ programming and went somewhere other affiliates didn't we had no second thoughts. It made more sense, as we are leaders, not followers. We look for hard and then make it harder. It is the simplest operating principle in the history of success. Now I find it interesting that many of the try out wods (even in other regions) have followed suit. Again, why do the same workout when you can change it, make it heavier, reverse it, rearrange it, or convolute it? If you follow the leader, then by definition, you are a follower. Nothing wrong with that but when you're still doing Michael and we're doing big bad mother fucking Michael upside down and reverse we're probably going to be better prepared for the unknowable. Can you imagine if the infantry only had a handful of combat scenarios with which to train? Can you imagine if, as a fighter you only had a handful of different opponents to fight? So on and so fourth. This would make training much easier. If your living a life worth living then life is rarely this predictable. If it is then I am wrong. Choose for yourself, where you want to go, and how prepared you want to be. Life is too short and our capacity is too limited to pursue the litany of possibilities that surround us. The best we can do is try, open our minds and eyes wider and wider every day and discover the undiscovered country.
    I wish I could be there competing along side you guys. Can't wait to see you soon.

  8. Did the april 22nd wod yesterday.

    ohs= 3 rep max 112# I s*ck at these.
    wod: 5:45 Nice workout

    In a few minutes I will do the 324 Challenge. I am really excited about it.

    After reading Solista's comment. I have to say something.

  9. I finished the 324 challenge. My shoulder is a lot better now. So I decided to push myself to the extreme.
    1st round) 7:43 rx
    2nd round) 6:01 rx
    3rd round) 5:50 rx total time>> 19:34
    this left me on the floor. However almost all of the wod's from you guys leave me on the floor!!!

    Some of the things that drew me to Crossfit Jax was the intelligence being used in the programming. you guys are superior in the way you articulate information to other's.

    Solista's as well as CR's words motivate me every time. You guys are down to earth. You point out things in your comments that most people would be afraid to say. Using CR's words
    you don't sugar coat everything.

    I could write more. However u guys don't need the flattery. Ya'll have your ego's in check.

    Please keep it up!!!

  10. Leave it to Solista to beat the snot out of my buddies and me while we're overseas. Thanks for the WOD and the words of encouragement. You guys cease to amaze me
    No times to post, training my friends on the movements and such. First round whooped up on him though.

    -Catfish in Iraq
