Friday, March 27, 2009

warm up
2rnds of:
30m farmers carry
400m run
3rnds of:
15 ball slams
10 wall ball shots
5 clapping push ups
pvc skill development x 8:
- deadlift
- push press
- push jerk
- ohs

shoulder press
warm up set 5 x 3
work set 5 x 1 for 1RM
5min rest

5-10-15-20-15-10-5 of:
24kg american kb swings
24" box jumps

post load & time


  1. name. bodyweight. load / time

    rowdy. 180. 145# / 7:07
    dustin. 165. 100# / 9:52
    jessie k. 148. 75# / 13:35
    jv. 117. 115#
    christian. 146. 155#
    turbo j. 155. 160# / 36" box @ 6:19
    todd. 222. 185#pr / 30" box @ 9:50
    obie. 155. 115# / 10:27
    caleb. 155. 145# / 6:49
    justin. 175. 125#
    travis. 195. 95#
    jenn. 115. 55# / 16kg @ 11:20
    cav. 163. 140#pr / 9:36

    10rnds of:
    10 pull ups
    10 ring dips

    turbo j. 155. rx. 8:25
    blake. 185. rx. 9:59
    mo. 225. rx. 13:09

  2. Rob.200.140#/7:03
    Shoulder issue still....

  3. 180 / rx
    145#'s attempted 150# 3 times--No Joy :(

  4. darrell-
    strong work, bro. 195# strict shoulder/military press is awesome @ 165# bodyweight.

  5. Thanx JAX-I credit YOUR wokouts for the gains I make in strength & stamina...hope to get better @ the METCONS...You guys are MONSTERS!!
