Wednesday, February 11, 2009


warm up:
500m row @ an easy pace
pvc: deadlift/hang squat clean/push press x 12
45# skill development: 2 rounds of front squat/push press x 12
5 minutes jumprope

workout: fran
95# thrusters

post time for score


  1. Robert/218/rx
    This helped clear my lungs up this morning.

  2. kyle r / 185 / jpu / 10:09
    ryan / 200 / jpu / 11:20
    jeff s / 165 / rx / 5:15pr
    kevin / 155 / rx / 7:10
    jessie k / 147 / 45# band pu / 8:57
    josh c / 189 / c2b pu / 8:24pr
    chad / 155 / 75# / 6:12
    tracie / 130 / 30# jpu / 8:57
    mf / 200 / rx / 9:10
    cav / 163 / rx / 9:00pr
    caleb / 160 / rx / 4:01pr
    dr j / 180 / rx / 3:17pr
    steve d / 160 / rx / 4:10
    justin / 170 / rx / 5:35
    patrick / 190 / rx / 2:58pr
    blake / 190 / rx / 3:28
    beegees / 209 / rx / 9:56
    lorena / 128 / 45# jpu / 6:49
    jenn / 114 / 45# jpu / 7:11
    kyle k / 175 / rx / 3:17
    turbo j / 155 / strict pu / 2:24pr
    russ / 157 / rx / 2:30

  3. Wow, some of those times are SICK! You guys are beasts!!!

  4. Very nice everyone!

  5. congrats to all the pr's that were set yesterday. everyone pushed as hard as they could. as soon as the dust settled, and the last rep was cranked out, we all reflected and thought "how could i have done it faster?". was that 2 second rest and dropping the bar necessary? could i have powered through it? never be satisfied; there is always room for improvement.

    the fact that we churned out the times we did, says a lot about your heart and motivation. fran is a performance workout...a litmus test and what every crossfitter in the world looks at as your 'yardstick'. every training session and every workout we do everyday in cjfax will not only improve your fran time, but improve every facet of your game. the by-product of our programming is the improved times/loads/scores on the benchmark workouts. so as you can see, the importance of full range of motion, proper technique and form is absolutely necessary in order to generate the numbers that our top performers put out. nothing else matters.

    to those critics that question the validity of cfjax and our programming...the numbers speak for themselves. hard to argue something when reality will always win.

    cfjax boasts 5 members with sub-3 fran times and we're fucking proud of it.
